The Seer:
The time of the descent of reason and the ascent of frequency, is at hand. Daily the lessened capability to think clearly, is being demonstrated by others in the environment — including supposed experts and leaders of nations. Thus it is a valid concern of the Holy Ones; the godbeings among men: “how can I avoid descending into mindless folly as others do?” But I say unto you, that if you had gathered enough wisdom and self-discipline to live your highest truth before the cosmic descent of wisdom and before the dimming of light, it should be your unstoppable resource to live the life of holiness you wish to embrace. May you who have not ceased to reach for the luminous and sacred truths that yet abide, be strengthened and supported in your lofty vision and glorious quest.
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Thank you so very much for this generous and much appreciated gift LPGTH
Thank you Almine, this sigil feels like a melodious song of triumph and it lightens my heart!
Thank you for this generous gift, I very much appreciate it.
With love.
Thank you for this welcoming gift.
I am very grateful 🌹
Love Prase and Gratitude for this very welcome gift.
Infinite Gratitude
Thank you so very much for this wonderful gift 💝
Thank You 🙏
My Infinite Gratitude
Love Praise Gratitude Trust Joy💖
Blessings of Grace Beloved Mother Almine
Love Praise and Gratitude !!!
Beyond Greatful!!