The Angelgod of Happiness (Birishtrechnavi) has just come into my daughter’s room with a message: Continue reading→
Angelgods That Govern Different Aspects Of Earth
Besides these nine Angelgods, there is a keeper of the planetary axis stability. Continue reading→
News Flash – Angelgod Sighting
Photo taken by The Seer Almine, of an Angelgod (visibly seen with the eye) on the side of her house today. Continue reading→
A New Kriyavaspata Sigil for Pain
Almine recently received an additional Angel god sigil for assisting animals with emotional and physical pain. Continue reading→
An Additional Angelgod
There has in fact been an additional Angelgod called to help alleviate pain experienced in animals. Continue reading→
Glad Tidings
This day the Infinite declared that the entire Angel Kingdom has been elevated to Angel Gods. Continue reading→
Angels or Angel Gods
It’s like a sanctuary that has been made for you —your personal Angels just have to remind you that it’s yours to live from. Continue reading→
Song of the Self Belvaspata Angels Upgraded!
Other than the angels for Kaanish Belvaspata, have any other of the Belvaspata angels changed to Angel gods? Continue reading→
Kaanish Belvaspata Angels Upgrade
Beloved Almine, do you think that the Kaanish Belvaspata Angels have been upgraded to Angel Gods? Continue reading→
What is About to Happen Has Never Happened Before
In her conversation with the AngelGod, Almine describes how and why the Original Ones come to the Earth at certain times in the cosmic life cycle, and the different paths that are available to us at the coming crossover point. Continue reading→