Recently a Belvaspata* master asked this question regarding initiations for children. Q. I have felt guided to initiate my son into Belvaspata. Is it okay to initiate children? A. As a guideline, I recommend Belvaspata initiations be done according to the maturity of the specific child. If a child is mature, they could be initiated… Continue reading→
Belvaspata ~
Q. Belvaspata is a beautiful healing modality that I learned about at the recent “Almine in Florida” conference. I want to learn more about it. Can you please direct me? A. There are many resources available to learn about Belvaspata, the healing modality of angelic light and frequency, including the books The Ring of Truth,… Continue reading→
Belvaspata ~ Healing of the Angels
Music of the Angels Almine sings the names of the Angels of Divine Compassion and the Blessings from the Infinite. “…To delight the ear and the heart with a peaceful soundscape of listening pleasure.” “The harmonious heart of this angelic elixir creates the perfect sacred space for any Belvaspata session.” This MP3 audio is… Continue reading→
Eternal and Perpetual Fulfillment
Perpetual Freshness of Expression: The recognition of countless possibilities of eternal existence Mechpa-barurit-askantave Angel: Urach-virisat Eternal Fulfillment: The recognition of the complete equity of existence Brihanut-uvechstre-aranas Angel: Nechba-uhuru-ruspave Painting by Jeanne Temple