The previous Gabriel Angel now works on a different assignment and is now called Eluhimvael. Continue reading→
Mastery Of Peace And Harmony – An Invitation
We have received a suggestion to perform Kaanish Belvaspata as a group. The benefit of this Belvaspata protocol is Purification and Enlightenment. Continue reading→
Chakras Radiate Light
Why have Angels been depicted throughout the ages as having wings? Continue reading→
Glad Tidings
This day the Infinite declared that the entire Angel Kingdom has been elevated to Angel Gods. Continue reading→
Important Announcement For Qi Vesta Masters
The Qi Vesta Angels were upgraded to Angel Gods at 2 am (PST) last night. Continue reading→
Angels or Angel Gods
It’s like a sanctuary that has been made for you —your personal Angels just have to remind you that it’s yours to live from. Continue reading→
Night of the Angels is Coming Soon
My Dear Ones, Don’t forget to mark our annual New Year’s event on your calendar: Night of the Angels. It’s a powerful tradition we have been experiencing for the past several years–a time for us to connect from around the world…
We have prepared a special and inspiring time for you. Continue reading→
Atlantean End Times (Then and Now)
When I was teaching time-traveling years ago to a group of students, we went back to Atlantis to the time before its last sinking. The feeling now is very similar to what I encountered there… Continue reading→
The Role Demons Play
Notice From Almine:
My beloved Lightfamily, starting early yesterday afternoon, 1,200 Angel god orders were evoked by the late afternoon. I was informed by them that our joint effort to release areas of control in our lives had been “successful”. To my grateful surprise, when I looked to see the status of the planned attack by the cosmic demons on the Angel gods, it was no longer expected to happen. Continue reading→
There Is a Universal Demonic Attack Planned
However, I only today started seeing through the screen of invisibility at what is lingering. There is a universal demonic attack planned to wipe clean the memory and dedication of the Angel gods through a massive electrical jolt on September 6th, 2017 at 2.30 PM Pacific Time. Continue reading→