We have received a suggestion to perform Kaanish Belvaspata as a group. The benefit of this Belvaspata protocol is Purification and Enlightenment. Continue reading→
They Don’t Deliver The Same Result
And if you add Trust … Continue reading→
Important Call To Help America
The Seer asks that our Lightfamily do all 5 levels of Kaanish Belvaspata, for America. Continue reading→
Belvaspata Is The Gift That Keeps On Giving
The Seer Almine introduced Belvaspata Angel Healing to the world in 2006. She has recently shared with us an important change that will be of interest worldwide! Continue reading→
Belvaspata Is The Gift That Keeps On Giving
This major change and wonderful blessing are now being shared for the first time with Belvaspata global practitioners. Continue reading→
A Time Shall Come
What shall I do to help when doctors deliberately suppress my child’s immune system in order to heal his Crohn’s disease? Continue reading→
Song Of The Self
Do I have to do this Belvaspata each time, for each person? Continue reading→
A Home-based Business
What do you suggest? Continue reading→
A Call To All Belvaspata Practitioners
Will Esklavanet BVP do the same? Continue reading→
Departed Souls
What can I do for the departed souls of loved ones I have lost? Continue reading→