What follows is the introduction section to Almine’s book The Way of the Toltec Nagual. Enjoy! In mastering the seven gates of dreaming, Toltecs have uncovered deep secrets of existence. For even as they studied the four deep stages of sleep and the three shallow ones, the microcosmic role of man taught them that life… Continue reading→
The Loving Depth Of My Being, Connecting To Yours
This installment of Awakening from the Dream is officially known as the “The Loving Depth Of My Being, Connecting To Yours” episode, but is also known as the “No Blessings Today” episode. Jan, Rogier and Niels discuss desires and expectations as an intro into a fantastic 20 minute audio by Almine where she discusses the changing… Continue reading→
Those Sticky Programs
What has the embodiment of the Infinite meant for Creation? Well, what a question to begin our new episode of Awakening from the Dream! Almine goes into deeply metaphysical waters as she explores the interaction between different parts of Creation and that which is Unending. How can you find your way around the sticky programs… Continue reading→
Creating A Mirror By Acting From Individual Will
Put your brainy specs on: In this Q&A session, Almine goes into the very nature of the building blocks of life and how they change as the cosmos changes. Q: In quantum physics the building blocks of life are an anomaly: They are little wave forms but they are also appearing as little particles. How does that… Continue reading→
Silence Observing Movement Within Itself
Life cannot be imagined without polarity, it must be experienced without defining it. Creation was fashioned within duality. There is neither silence nor movement, but silence observing the movement within itself. To live without directions in spacelessness, requires the complete surrender of a child discovering life with trust for the first time. Three beautiful insights from the Saradesi –… Continue reading→
Matter And Form
In part 5 of this revealing series, Almine discusses what matter is, incorruptible holy matter, the Infinite as an androgynous being and we as incorruptible matter. Watch part 4 in this series here.
Reverence – Every Blade Of Grass Shares The Wonderment For Life
The sixth supporting attitude of obtaining ascension is that of reverence. Read about the fifth one -self-reliance- in our post here. Reverence Reverence stems from the ability to glimpse the divine within form and it also enhances that ability. In that moment when the heavens reveal themselves through the eyes of a child or unfurl… Continue reading→
Time – Where the Destiny of the Cosmos Hinges on the Moment
After posting the main ascension attitudes of Love, Praise and Gratitude, it’s time to share the seven supporting attitudes. The upcoming weeks these will find their way to the blog and perhaps become an integrated part in your daily awareness. Today we’ll start with time. The Seven Supporting Attitudes The seven supporting attitudes as an… Continue reading→
Creator and Creation
We have thought ourselves to be the children of the universe. In steadfastly maintaining this illusionary role we have sidestepped the responsibilities of being accountable for what we have mistakenly construed as flaws in existence. But we are the creator and the creation, and from the perspective of the latter, the perfection of life expressing… Continue reading→
Light and Dreams
Art by Natalia All seven elements of creation must equally express and be heard before the emergence into indivisible matter can take place. Light speaks to us through the dream symbols of the 12 shallowest dream states.