Within the context of global, economic shifts, would this be the best option for us? Continue reading→
Financial Crash Bypassed (For Now)
Question: During our last retreat, you said that China planned to cause a huge financial crash for the USA and the West by various methods you described. Continue reading→
Earth in Turmoil: The Improper Flow of Abundant Resources
In this new transmission Almine identifies the increasing turmoil on Earth – drought, war and impending financial collapse – as the reason for her calling the gathering that is the Mastery & Magic Retreat in Tuscany, Italy, November 2015. Continue reading→
Intervention from Source – part 1
During the weekend Almine noted that ‘there will be a huge cosmic update on Monday in the recording of Ask Almine Anything 5 (day 11)’. Well, it is Monday and here we share a part of that recording to keep you all in the loop: AAA5 – Day 11: Intervention from Source 1 In this recording Almine… Continue reading→
US Government Shutdown and Secret Government Warfare (Zombies vs Vampires)
As the US debt ceiling draws closer, Almine looks at the metaphysical dynamics behind this pending event and the governmental shutdown that has occurred in the US. What does it all represent? Who is responsible behind the scenes? What are the macrocosmic implications? And most importantly, how can we heal this situation? Listen and find… Continue reading→
Dreaming Of The Neighbour
http://youtu.be/moURwtStwQM This is the third and final video in our interview series with Almine, that was shot prior to the Amsterdam retreat in May of 2011. Listen to Almine speak about 2011, 2012, the process of translating ethereal scrolls, our understanding of angels and the differences between the languages she can speak. We hope you… Continue reading→
Origin of Greed
Kassabi-unaset Greed is born from seeing resources as limited, which in turn comes from living a life of boundaries.
Cosmic Compensation
Viripamichba-er To see poverty in another is to disacknowledge the cosmic compensation for any seeming loss.
Work as a Cause or Effect?
Viblik-aretvrenut By doing your work with a glad heart, as a service to life, you become a cause rather than an effect.
Sophisticated Trendiness
Suthit-arsevrunu To allow ourselves to pay the over-inflated prices masquerading as sophisticated trendiness is to support self-important exploitation of society.