During the weekend Almine noted that ‘there will be a huge cosmic update on Monday in the recording of Ask Almine Anything 5 (day 11)’.
Well, it is Monday and here we share a part of that recording to keep you all in the loop:
AAA5 – Day 11: Intervention from Source 1
In this recording Almine talks about a massive shift during the week of October 13th – 19th, 2013 and its ongoing effects in the week of October 20th – 26th, 2013. A shift away from the tyrannical rule of appearances and towards the inspiration of Infinite unfolding life. She talks about 4 steps that we can take to help express these cosmic changes and to become “tools for intervention of Source”; to change the reality around us.
Step 1 (paraphrased)
“We have had events in the last week that have been so instrumental in changing life forever, that I want to carefully walk through the week with you. This is a process that started this last week. Let us see how we can incorporate these changes into our daily lives.”
“We started the week by working on bringing balance to the core inner babe, the inner child of ourselves that tends to be tyrannical and demands that be done as it wants, or else. In the grand cosmic scheme of things we have been working for 3 or 4 months now on the big DNA Rose. The cosmic inner child is the middle core of that Rose. All 9 rows of the Rose are now working together, except for the middle. We had to eliminate the tyranny of the child. I would like us to continue this process, looking at it inside and outside ourselves. It is not a one off thing. It is an ongoing process. We all have these kinds of people in our lives, who are children in adult bodies and tend to be the tyrants that want to tell you how to run your life and demand that you respond to them in very specific ways.”
“Step 1 to participate with the huge changes in the cosmos is to deal with the dysfunctional inner child in ourselves and in others, to maintain our quietness and our confidence and to not sell out in order to keep the peace.” ~ Almine
Steps 2, 3 and 4
To summarize, the other steps Almine talks about in the audio are:
- Step 2: The tools we use for intervention from Source to flow through us and which one is most needed now.
- Step 3: Going beyond density, conflict and endurance and in this elevated state creating a new reality.
- Step 4: Temporarily adorning yourself with the cloak of spirit (using transcendence), becoming the ‘breath of the Infinite’ and changing the movie, and then coming back to the physical to enjoy the movie in your day to day life.
We invite all of you to listen to this new audio by Almine on Ask Almine Anything 5 and to go through one or all of these steps as well as you can, to gradually but surely become more and more this ‘breath of the Infinite’; its tool for intervention.
Update Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013
Part 1 and its sequel part 2 of the “Intervention from Source” audios are now available on the Ask Almine Anything 5 online course.
you invite us to listen to the new audio from ask almine anything 5
but there is no link, or maybe i just dont see it
thank you kandi
Dear Kandi,
I see where the confusion arises. The links given are to the course itself. The audio is a part of that course. Almine announced the update during the weekend and it went as a little wildfire over the internet. This post was to give at least an idea about what that audio and update was about for those we are not on the course. If you want the full update, you can do so by enrolling into the course.
I hope this clears things up a bit.
Team Almine
Monday’s Calendar OO reads:
Poetic Tone:
Reclaimed innocence in all levels of expression.
We did a lot of work on this during the Toronto retreat a few weeks ago. As Almine suggests, this work is an ongoing process to help bring the inner child at the centre of the DNA Rose into balance and be a source of inspiration.
Thanks A-team and Niels. 🙂
It’s been pretty intense. Had lots of clearing last week. Some sweet bliss too. 😀
It’s getting pretty intense again this week now. So good works. 🙂