The Seer Almine describes how to release the tension of linear time from the body, and access the bliss of your being that, for the most part, is obscured by resistance to life in your day. Continue reading→
Free webinar on Nov. 4 – Leaving the Illusory Reality of Humanity to Enter the True Reality
Free webinar on Nov. 4 – Leaving the Illusory Reality of Humanity to Enter the True Reality Continue reading→
Don’t Judge Me Because I’m Little
If our physical development was in line with our emotional development, we’ d be seeing presidents that are eight years old, adolescent senators and business men; and our friends and family in a totally different way… Continue reading→
Why Dedicate Ourselves to Enlightenment?
Why dedicate ourselves to enlightenment and truth seeking when truth is fluid and changes, and there’s no point of arrival? Continue reading→
Clearing Etheric Pollution After Ayahuasca
Question: “Would it be possible to have a more detailed explanation and even advice for people who have already taken part in multiple Ayahuasca ceremonies? It would be very much appreciated.” Continue reading→
Ayahuasca: Almine Responds
In one reaction to Almine’s position on Ayahuasca, it was argued that Ayahuasca is all about intention and that she’s “fear mongering”. Almine responds: Continue reading→
The Trouble with Ayahuasca
I asked Almine about the supposed healing properties of Ayahuasca, and how it is that she does not share this view. She explains: It is a very bad idea for enlightened masters to do Ayahuasca. Continue reading→
Aging and Enlightenment – the Great Myth
In man’s stages of evolution, most who go into God-consciousness think they have arrived at enlightenment and stay there. It is as much of an addiction to be in expanded awareness as it is to be in contracted awareness. Both bring old age and death. Expanded awareness brings stagnation – as does all over-polarization into… Continue reading→
Enlightenment: The Wrong Way, The Right Way (Almine Video)
Almine discusses the stages of enlightenment and why it’s dangerous to stay in either the emptiness or the bliss. She explains why withdrawing from life is not the answer and how eventually we must learn that ‘the play has a purpose’. This video is part of the fireside lectures featured in I AM Presence March… Continue reading→
Taking Responsibility for Your Life
Today we share a little piece on taking responsibility for your life and manipulation strategies used to evade that responsibility. To be responsible only for one’s self is the core of an attitude that refuses to save those who manipulate through ineptness. When we embark upon the path of enlightenment, we must release others to… Continue reading→