This power sigil is a free gift from an anonymous, Wonderful Lightfamily member.
Rest in the peace innocence brings.
Cutting-edge Mysticism
This power sigil is a free gift from an anonymous, Wonderful Lightfamily member.
Rest in the peace innocence brings.
This power sigil is a free gift from an anonymous, Beloved Lightfamily member.
Break now the bondage of dependency, that you may be free from the greedy grasp of those who do not respect you. Continue reading→
Rest not in the accomplishments of the past, for much remains to be done. Continue reading→
This power sigil is a free gift from an anonymous, Wonderful Lightfamily member.
…a holy task that requires power and energy. Continue reading→
This power sigil is a free gift from an anonymous, Beloved Lightamily member.
May they value the motivating and guiding power of their emotions. Continue reading→
This power sigil is a free gift from a Beloved, anonymous, Lightfamily member.
For this was meant to be a blessed land that will serve as a refuge in days to come. Continue reading→
This power sigil is a free gift from The Alberta Goddesses.
May the power of this sigil throw off the pollution of hostile alien infiltrators that seek to possess this fair land. Continue reading→
This power sigil is a free gift from an anonymous, Wonderful Lightfamily member.
Let it begin with you. Continue reading→
This power sigil is a free gift from an anonymous, Beloved Lightfamily member.
But the environment is Her mirror in which She studies Herself. Continue reading→
This power sigil is a free gift from an anonymous, Wonderful Lightfamily member.
Best to change things moving forward.
Continue reading→