Light Elixir by Almine Frequency is the gap between the answer and the question. The gap is cause and effect.
Impeccable Mastery
What we hold onto is nothing more than the fossilized remains of the last moment.
Frequency and Fantasy
Art by Natalia Frequency or emotion, expresses itself through fantasy. It draws or imagines fantasy as though it is there now – reaching outside the box; it eliminates old boundaries of perceptions, like surrealistic art. Restoring magic to the moment, it is no longer a desire but a living, actualized reality.
Inner Child and Frequency
Art by Natalia The inner child (frequency) knows how all elements can be free. To the full expression of each, it holds the key. The pure fragrance of flowers dissolves the static labyrinths of matrices made by intent. The gift of frequency is the restoration of magic.
Poetry of Dreaming
Photo by Almine Frequency speaks through the Poetry of Dreaming* as the poetry is slightly more cerebral. The Poetry of Dreaming that produces less ‘coherent’ images is the communication from the instinctual knowing. *Art of Dreaming online course and Shrihat Satva Yoga
Inner Sanctum
Art by Natalia In the heart of matter, the stillpoint lies that cancels out frequency and space as well. When you enter this sanctum by coming home to yourself, hostile elements and cosmoses around you will disappear.
Photo by Almine Emotion, which is frequency, has been based on desire for something and therefore has been directional. It is in reality a response to the unfolding moment.
Photo by Almine The relationship caused by desire (frequency) and light (knowledge) trap us in the egg. It is time to enter into the pure beingness that does not desire, nor think it knows. It enjoys with full surrender to life unfolding, the newness of the eternal adventure.
Total Balance
Photo by Almine Matter and fire cannot resolve themselves the way light and frequency have while we shun matter as corruptible and unholy. Embrace the magic of your physical world and the heat of your passions that total balance may come to your life.
Sacred Fire
Photo by Almine For eons our bodies have been made of light and frequency though they seem like matter to us. The elements of matter and energy (sacred fire) have not ascended as part of our bodies.