Communicate your gratitude for the beautiful gifts of the trees… Continue reading→
Walk Between The Worlds
Be true to yourself and willingly pay the price of greatness. Continue reading→
Messages From The Mythical Horse Races
Excellence requires courage and mediocrity requires understanding. Continue reading→
Endangered Mystical Kingdoms
The other cause for their demise is the corruption of the children by the media and their unsupervised access to it. Continue reading→
What is the Scroll of Enchantment?
“What then is the purpose of the mirrors you see? The playground of the gods a garden of delight can be.” ~The Scroll of Enchantment Continue reading→
The Faun of Invertal (Heralds of the Dawn)
In the Land of Invertal we rejoice •
Your praises we sing with flute and voice •
Gone are the monsters of forests and glades •
By the gods once more, safe they’ve been made
~The Faun of Invertal Continue reading→
The Plump “Fairy”
The little yellow face with the red cap belongs to a new group of “fairies” that recently appeared in Nature after the merging of the fields of reality. Continue reading→
There are Giants on Earth
Are the only giants in the Hollow Earth, as you describe it in Secrets of the Hidden Realms…are they benevolent towards man?… Continue reading→
A Retreat with Almine and the Hidden Kingdoms
During a recent retreat with Almine, many interdimensional photos were taken… What is the large ball of light that was photographed… Continue reading→