Photo by Almine Death and birth can never be too late or too early. The scale only tips when one side reaches the exact measure that makes it heavier.
Death is a purification rite that changes the old to make way for the new. Continue reading→
Changeless Change
~ Photo by Almine When death is shunned and life is valued, it persists as an instrument of change.
“In the place of no opposites life stills and enters timelessness. Aging ceases and decay has no hold.” Almine “Where beauty has no ebb, decay no flood, But joy is wisdom, time an endless song.” William Butler Yeats
Saradesi Records of the Motherland
Tanech savavat minavish Kanus belesatnuk manesh paravi hares usata uklanuvik Bilesh piret archtu miselva aranish astaa Recalibration: The great masters birthed themselves out of mass As soon as they stepped out of their human past Ashai nachta peleshva unis Piresh haras eresta minechvi Pilava uset aklas viresta uha-anach Vileskla prihavat utra vila vir ubin From… Continue reading→
Healing Family
Recently, Almine was asked about suggestions for healing a broken family. This is her reply. My beloved sister, Since suggestions have not been forthcoming for your very touching question that has been waiting for a response, I’d like to jump in. The following methods have proven to be very successful for those that have walked… Continue reading→
Lemurian Teachings of the Natures of Man
The grids of creation are like mazes of dense electromagnetic particles formed by mind as it obsesses about the questions. When a question is based on the indivisible, real existence it produces insight. When it is based on illusion it begets more questions, forming mazes. The archetypal animals are the senses of the inner, feminine… Continue reading→
Black and White Light Frequencies
Q: From the master Kostas in Greece: Does my personal sound elixir translation have any black light or white light frequencies in it? A: Because the words themselves come from the Infinite, they are beyond duality; sound elixirs are tools of duality to heal duality. To summarize, the translation represents Oneness, and just as in… Continue reading→
Love and Oneness
Q. I’m really glad that so much has been explained about classes with Almine during the last two entries. I’ve often thought how hard it must be for her to be in such heightened sensitive states and then go into airports, taxis and crowds. Please ask her why she seems so deeply moved when she… Continue reading→