To lose the comfort of illusions is uncomfortable and sometimes shocking. Continue reading→
What is the core illusion? The pivot point from which all other illusions arise? Continue reading→
Illusion Is the Timing Mechanism
Illusion is the timing mechanism the cosmos uses to create maturation of individuated expression through supported growth. ~The Seer Almine Continue reading→
Automatic Violet Light for Clearing Ghosts of the Past
The past and its impressions — whether good or bad — are like ropes that keep us tied down to the old paradigms, preventing us from flying high with… Continue reading→
Insights Regarding Arrogance
Question: …I’ve been guided to ask you about creating a fragrance alchemy oil, “specifically designed to target and clear arrogance from our emotional field”. Continue reading→
Who is Creating Your Reality? (Almine Video)
In her cutting-edge discourse on The Disc of Life *, Almine reveals how – when we enter the mirrors of our world – we keep on recreating the same old reality from the ghosts of the past. This discourse will be uploaded to I AM Presence in May 2014 * Also known as The… Continue reading→
Effortlessly Opening New Doors of Potential – Weekly Predictions By Almine
After last week’s “life slowing down”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction: Prediction for the week of August 18 – August 24, 2013 This week will allow effortless closing of old cycles and opening of doors of new opportunity. Take time to feel choices through with your heart. Illusion will yield to… Continue reading→
Separation Vs. Oneness (Letting Go of Our Most Sacred Cows)
Over the years, Almine has guided us through the matrices of illusion, moving beyond a life opposites and stepping into the Eternal Moment. In this audio, Almine details this journey and reveals the next step – A step that may require us to let go of one of our most revered ‘sacred cows’. This audio… Continue reading→
Aranash Suba Yoga – The Yoga of Enlightenment
Recently during a private retreat held in Almine’s home in Newport, Oregon – a very exciting event took place. During the early morning hours of 10/11/12, Almine was awakened at 2 am to receive a new form of yoga. It was announced some time ago by Almine that she would be receiving the intermediate level… Continue reading→
Revealing The Purity – Wisdom Of The Lemurian Angels Pt. 5
Let us continue today with the Wisdom of the Lemurian Angels. After earlier posting parts 1, 2, 3 and 4, today we share installment 5. We will start where we left off last time, talking about the expressing of the black light angels and the existence of impurity. Tip: Read all the earlier posts first to see this… Continue reading→