From this month onward we are planning to share a little ceremony, every month, from Almine’s vast range of ceremonies and tools, hailing from her online courses. To start off, this month we will be doing the ceremony -globally and for free of course- of the Flowers of Life, from her online course Interstellar Mysticism…. Continue reading→
Cosmic Cycles
We thank Cec, a student on one of our online courses, Interstellar Mysticism ( for several questions that she submitted to us. Q. On the radio show of 4/24/10* Almine mentioned that the cosmos closed down old spirals of existence last week and that the wheel of existence has gone up one side and down the… Continue reading→
We receive many requests for two of our radio shows that discuss nano-technology and the star races. The radio shows discuss messages and information that have been given by the star races to counter the effects of nano-techonology. (See Interstellar Sound Elixirs Nano Technology and Twin Towers – September 12, 2009 Crop Glyphs and… Continue reading→
Stimulation of Frequency in Food
In a previous post, Stimulation of Frequency in Food (2/23/10) tools were given such as the Lemurian Clock of the Depth of Living and the Clock of Spirit from the Hidden Realms (and additional power wheels) to enhance our food’s frequencies. In response to some questions on the Interstellar Mysticism forum we provide further details… Continue reading→
Interstellar Mysticism ~
Words of the Heart from Vaa-usta The Wisdom of Peace In contented surrender and peace, our joyful expectations are surpassed. Excerpt from Interstellar Mysticism, month III ~ Artwork by Jaylene, age 11
Interstellar Mysticism ~
Words of the Heart from Vaa-usta The Wisdom of Peace In the enthusiasm for the adventure of self-discovery do we find our hopes fulfilled. Excerpt from Interstellar Mysticism, month III ~ Artwork by Jaylene, age 11
Interstellar Mysticism ~
Words of the Heart from Vaa-usta The Wisdom of Peace Let us release the responsibilities of the dream, that we may relax into memoryless spontaneity. Excerpt from Interstellar Mysticism, month III ~ Artwork by Jaylene, age 11
Interstellar Mysticism ~
Words of the Heart from Vaa-usta The Wisdom of Peace Let us release the responsibilities of the dream, that we may relax into memoryless spontaneity. Excerpt from Interstellar Mysticism, month III ~ Artwork by Jaylene, age 11
Interstellar Mysticism
Words of the Heart from Vaa-usta The Wisdom of Peace In the clarity of an illusionless life, let us celebrate beingness. Excerpt from Interstellar Mysticism, month III ~ Artwork by Jaylene, age 11
Interstellar Mysticism Awaits You
Interstellar Mysticism Last minute registration gate is still open!!