Matter is the portal to a more refined expression of life. Continue reading→
The Element of Matter
I’ve decided to spend a few hours today examining the privilege of being in a material world. Continue reading→
Making Friends With Materialism
As one of the illusions that has powered our ancient dread of feeling victimized by the unreal, it is manifest, for example, in the phenomenon of “incurable” diseases Continue reading→
Mastering Matterless Matter
In this very short recording Almine recounts how she recently has been trying to understand the fabric underneath matter and how to work with it to enter a life of miracles. This ties in beautifully with Almine’s personal message from yesterday, here, in which she explains how this topic will be further deepened during the… Continue reading→
Spiritualized Matter
“Man has 4 bodies: the physical, the lower dream body that accesses the 12 shallow states of dreaming and the two highest bodies that enter the 12 deepest dream states. Because physicality is also a dream, we could describe all of these as dream bodies. The two highest bodies are the ones we use in… Continue reading→
Matter And Form
In part 5 of this revealing series, Almine discusses what matter is, incorruptible holy matter, the Infinite as an androgynous being and we as incorruptible matter. Watch part 4 in this series here.
The Old Regime
Today we start with the posting of a new series on our diary! Some of the secrets of Ananu – as given in the phenomanl online course The Book of Gods and Men – will find their way onto the blog and undoubtedly into your hearts. The old regime of body, form and matter, and… Continue reading→
Oneness of Existence
The old regime of body, form and matter and all their schemes to maintain supremacy must yield and dissolve in the presence of the courage to embrace the unknowable Oneness of existence.
Tyranny of Form
Our bodies demand resources because it functions as a tribe of elements: fire, water, air and matter. When we realize that these elements cannot really exist within the One Life, the body’s tyranny dissolves.
Fullness of Life
Art by Natalia Multi-sensory perception, practice now each day. Experiment with the senses in every way. See the music like color flow, the song of the bird with your skin you will know. Then matter in fullness will express – free from limitation and ready to absorb all other elements.