The magical perspective can be silenced by allowing mind to argue away the little miracles in your environment. Continue reading→
Almine Remembers Shared Miracles
Our family has temporarily moved to my house that has been sold, because of the floor being replaced in our current much smaller house. I am remembering the many miracles… Continue reading→
2015: The Time of Miracles and Magic has Arrived
In this prerecorded message for the true new year (more or less around the Chinese New Year) Almine distinguishes between the 3 forms of magic and shares a message of hope and inspiration. Continue reading→
Night of Miracles – All You Need to Know
On New Year’s Eve we have our traditional large Almine ceremony. This year it is called ‘Night of Miracles’. Due to the recent developments with Almine and Spiritual Journeys, this Night of Miracles has undergone some last minute adjustments. Here are all the details: When: 2 pm – 7 pm PST December 31st (10 pm –… Continue reading→
A Dawning Age of Magic for Those of Pure Intent
In this recording Almine discusses the link between the Runes of Guidance and the Book of Spells and a dawning age of magic for those of pure intent. Amongst many things, topics discussed are: -Grand mastery of the Runes and Book of Spells link -12 meridians for physical life -8 meridians extraordinary meridians -Bridge of… Continue reading→
December : the Month of High Magic
In this video Almine touches upon the importance of going into the depth of our roots, and the integration of the realities of inner space (“death”) and external space (“life”) as resurrection. Continue reading→
Miraculous Healing
In celebration of the life of miracles that we are living, and in conjunction with the upcoming Night of Miracles, we will be sharing some of the incredible miracles that were submitted earlier this year during our “win a cruise of miracles contest”. Below is the first of several miracles that will be posted in… Continue reading→
God Merkaba, Sacred Government, Manifestation and Miracles
We’ve got a good Awakening from the Dream radio show for you tomorrow that we think you will enjoy. Here’s the description for the show: A Time of Miracles is Upon Us In today’s Awakening show we share a recording by Almine in which she talks about how a time of miracles is upon us. Rogier and… Continue reading→
Night of Miracles Announcement
On New Year’s Eve, for 8 hours we will stream the miracles and magic of the tools and teachings of The Seer Almine. Experience for the first time 48 Sound Healing Elixirs specially prepared for this Night to clear the negativity of the past from the meridians of the body, using Alchemical Potencies of Sound…. Continue reading→
A Time of Miracles is Upon Us
In this short recording from October 2014, Almine talks about a new time that we are birthing, a time where miracles are common place. Among the topics she discusses are: -The study of magic -Miracles in the hands of those who are not impeccable -Releasing energy by ‘dark magicians’ -In our attempt to control life… Continue reading→