This is a quick reminder for those who still want to take advantage of the 50% discount on Almine’s older courses. You can still do so today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Come February 01st, 2014 a lot of the courses (and their discounts) will no longer be available. For more information on the… Continue reading→
Seeing the World Through Almine’s Eyes
Looking back The last 4-5 years Almine and all of us in this community have been working on online courses to give their insights roots into our daily lives. Thus, we have been working on perception a lot. Looking forward Now, it is time to progress to a new level – and we’re excited about it! We… Continue reading→
Manifesting From Godhood – Insights From The Lemurian Angels 3/3
Creating reality Creating reality from within the human matrix, is the equivalent of a flat, two-dimensional movie screen that gives the impression of three-dimensionality. Creatively manifesting from the god-kingdom is like virtual reality, in that it provides more depth of living and intensity of experience. This creates intense emotions – a reason why the negative… Continue reading→
Accepting the Unacceptable and Emotions as a Tool of Guidance – Insights from The Lemurian Angels 2/3
We are so excited about the upcoming free global ceremony which is a glorious celebration of the Lemurian Angels. Their exquisite music – sound healing of profound depth – will be played as well as recorded audios of their insights in different languages will be presented. The advent of their coming forth and giving us… Continue reading→
Important Update: Big Changes for Almine’s Online Courses
The changing face of Spiritual Journeys It has been a very busy and eventful year for both Almine and Spiritual Journeys. A lot of change and all of us trying to fluidly change with it. And… the changes aren’t done yet! From February 1st, 2014 onwards Almine’s old courses will no longer be available, except… Continue reading→
Mastering the Tool of the Gods
During the month of November Almine will have as an online course the explanation of and deeper insights behind the Divinity Quest – or ‘portable God Magic’. Now many may have heard her initial explanation about Divinity Quest already (just to be sure, we’ve added that audio below as well) but recently we released another… Continue reading→
Almine’s Birthday
Even though you may have let the concept of linear time go, that’s no good reason not to celebrate your birthday! So, today we say happy birthday to Almine! In honor of this, we have 2 exciting announcements: 1: Gratitude Solution Lately people have been asking how to give back to Almine for all the… Continue reading→
Ask Almine Anything Part 3
It’s all about the small victories… Finally, today we can announce that after 2 years of absence, Almine’s online course “Ask Almine Anything part 3” is available once more. The comeback of this course means that all of Almine’s courses (except the recently pulled Revisiting the Labyrinth) are now available again, either on Spiritual Journeys… Continue reading→
Do We Have A Higher Self?
I would not trust anything that speaks to me as an outside source and says, ‘I am your Higher Self’ – Almine In this selection from Day 4 of Ask Almine Anything 5, Almine addresses the question of our so-called “Higher Self”. Ask Almine Anything 5:
Two New (Old) Online Courses Available!
In the last week two of Almine’s older courses became available again on Spiritual Journeys Store. We are very happy to share with you, once again: Ask Almine Anything – Dream Interpretations (early 2011) Answers for Lightworkers 1 – Becoming Heralds of Hope (late 2012) Below we share two audios which are snippets from both… Continue reading→