Life is interconnected like a huge web. Continue reading→
All The Noteworthy Things
How can we embrace life when there is so much bad news bombarding us each day? Continue reading→
Preview: The Bridge to No-Time (Power Of Perspective)
Preview a little snippet from Almine’s upcoming book: Bridge to No-Time This book will soon be available on (we want to give you more information on this, but this is literally all that we’ve got!) 1st post of today
Is Working with Angels Abandoning Self-Sovereignty?
…we have the perspective that there is a source of the resources outside of ourselves that can somehow give them or withhold them. This perception is impoverishment and lack of self-sovereignty. A perspective that holds you back In working with angels, fairies and other mystical folk, it is often very easy to abandon self-sovereingty by… Continue reading→
Observe Others, Don’t Try to Change Others – Weekly Predictions By Almine
After our last week of “a foundational shift”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction: Prediction for the week of December 08 – December 14, 2013 Experiment with new perspectives. See again the magic of your environment as you did when you were a child. The ability to observe, without trying to change… Continue reading→