…we have the perspective that there is a source of the resources outside of ourselves that can somehow give them or withhold them. This perception is impoverishment and lack of self-sovereignty.
A perspective that holds you back
In working with angels, fairies and other mystical folk, it is often very easy to abandon self-sovereingty by using the wrong perspective. It is the perspective that these beings or resources are somehow separate from you. That they are outside of yourself. They are not. All is contained within.
In the following short piece Almine shares some insight on how this abandonment can take place, by discussing the underlying concept of the 9th Goddess archetype called Meshrut-araveshbavi. This is the goddess of ‘knowing the bounty of limitless supply’. This deeply metaphysical piece is transcribed and edited from a lecture Almine did in the early months of 2012.
Goddess archetype 9 – She who knows the bounty of limitless supply
Download the PDF version of this image from the link above for working with Meshrut-araveshbavi.
How you become impoverished
Whenever we think of everlasting supply as being a linear conduit -as being something that we receive from outside of ourselves- we are in a position of being impoverished. In other words, we have the perspective that there is a source of the resources outside of ourselves (for example angels), that can somehow give them or withhold them. This perception is impoverishment and lack of self-sovereignty.
Instead, if we can for a moment imagine spaceless space. Space is just an illusory and illusional construct of the mind. It is here today and gone tomorrow. It varies from person to person, and if enough people believe it, then it is maintained for who knows how many eons. But then it moves, and those eons are gone, and they become just a little wrinkle on the face of eternity.
If space is illusory, how do we look at ourself? Are we a body inside a cosmos? No. The cosmos is, in fact, inside our body. The body that we have is one that has no skin. The skin that we imagine ourself to have is made up of memories. Memories that affirm identities provide a skin to our body.
We are just a field. The field is the cosmos; every star is a cell inside our body. And what is more, is that our body is inside the cosmos, but it is also the whole cosmos.
But if we let these memories go, keeping only their inspiration -either to change the present or to inspire the present to even greater excellence of interpreting Infinite, inevitable intent- we find that we have no skin. We are just a field. The field is the cosmos; every star is a cell inside our body. And what is more, is that our body is inside the cosmos, but it is also the whole cosmos.
Now, the cosmos is just another layer of skin, because beyond the cosmic boundaries lies Infinity. But it is not around our bodies – it is the Infinite within. And when there is no skin and there is no space, there is neither within nor without.
Can we just contemplate these unexplainable, undefinable concepts, just for a moment? If we do we will suddenly find that we have reached a point where there is nothing outside of ourselves. There is just ourselves. Each being, be it angel or man or something else, that seems to be out there in your environment – and we say ‘out there’ as just a word to use – is but a layer within your own being. And you are a layer within the Infinite’s Being.
So where then is the need for supply, and the production of supply, possibly able to exist? With the right perspective we become everlasting supply, because it is a meaningless concept, when all that there is – we are.
transcribed from Almine in Walking with the Seer part 2 (currently no longer available)
This is part of the explanation that Almine gives of the Goddess archetype called Meshrut-araveshbavi (in the past also known as Hay-leem-a) in Walking with the Seer. This is the Goddess archetype that knows the bounty of limitless supply. Almine has given a lot of information on these Goddess (and God) archetypes in the past, as you can see by doing a quick search for ‘archetype’ on this blog. All of this information culminates in the third and final ‘Magic of the Gods ceremony’ that can be found in Entering Godhood part 3. That magical ceremony is called ‘Living the Bounty of Pristine Magic’.
Additional resources
If you want to know more about this subject, take a look at the following:
- Power of Self-Reliance. This is an hour long presentation on how to have a healthy and balanced inner life from which to live with emotional self-sovereignty
- Powerful allies. An older radio show from the 2008 period wherein Almine explains working with the God and Goddess archetypes
- Lemurian Science of Peace. This book discusses working with the archetypes as well
- Learn more about how to use wheels, sigils and symbols (for example the document given above) in your own ceremony on Almine’s FAQ page.
Please note that the understanding of the archetypes has changed over the years. Thus, the radio show listed in the bullet points has a more limited view of the archetypes, but is still very useful. The Science of Peace book is more recent and the third magic of the gods ceremony is the most up to date insight into the archetypes.
What a profound diary entry, thank you very much. Recently I have been bothered by a tendency towards dry skin on my hands that no amount of any maintenance seems to actually correct. I knew that there was some deeper underlying insight, but couldn’t quite grasp what it was. I also knew that it was related to relationships or the concept of “relationship” in general (illusory). As I was reading this post, the skin on my hands dissolved into the field of my body and deep relief came instantly as the field completely reformed as a whole. I realised I had been “cutting off my own hands” from the limitless supply of my own being and thus they had manifested this painful illusion in order that it would be plain for me to see.
I personally have found that working with Angels is one of the major tools in the process or bridge to my own Self discovery, and has become the groundwork for self-sovereignty. Almine has said that the Angel Gods with their concepts were representing the pillars of the new reality, when You awaken to the Angel Gods as your Being, you are the pillars in your new reality, the reality of self-sovereignty. I perceive/feel being self-sovereign as knowing nothing exists except your own Being, thus, there is no power given by you to something outside your being .They are you and you are them, the Angels represent levels of your own perception and awareness. I sometimes feel angels in my body as recognition of something I already know, and soon I am awakened to that knowing in the precious moment of now. I don’t really see Angels as separate from me, I see them as aspects of my Self. I know a simple truth (for now) that when I (my individuated form) don’t exist either do Angels, or anything else…this simple truth helps me see that ‘I am’ the creator of my reality, “I am” the alchemical equation of my life and that the Infinite’s new equations are eternally being formed in the precious now… I love reading the 65 Qualities of Life given for the Eskaragot Spine Treatment: #5 Knowing Self to be the One Life, (if and when mySelf is the One Life, abundance doesn’t exist, as Almine points out) #14 Feeling the fullness of being from having all exist within us ( I have found there is no power Angels give to me, “I am” the current that has manifested them as aspects of my un-awakened awareness or perception of what already is known, they are treated with reverence, as are All aspects of life as my Being. I haven’t found Angels to exist when I live in the ever-receding horizon of the unknowable ). #15 Knowing the inseparable realness of our being… (this one is interesting to me, there is the word “our” being, we share the One as ourSelf, living the contradiction of the One/Many)… 🙂
Thank you very much Niels for this positing.
The question asked is working with angels abandoning self-soveignty?
It puts into perspective the issue of its own mastery and possibly our relational interdependence among the many. Behind this asking is the question of our own power or its research or its definition?
Are we like a color palette where sometimes we are the artist peind in reliance fed and inspired? Our sovereignty is also an illusory space? If Humanity is also a unique individual (among civilisations races) like an ocean composed of a multitude of individual water drops (interdependance)? Is it possible that our sovereignty, at least its quality is determined by the values that we bring to the lead in the world? Do we need partners or Commes angels and other partners to do? Is the power of self reliance the key to provide from working with angels ? without need ? I am listening in the same time, i write you the ‘Power of self reliance by Almine (and thank you again to put this audio on my path) Almine is giving elements which intersect the above questions (magic !) and so magic because my english is improvising by listening too 🙂
To finish with your question that you asked and elements in your posting.
There is a beautiful resonance with tone poetic of the day from the calendar of oneness (week 120-day 4: Holding the vision through emotional self-sovereignty. Vision referring to light and emotional self-sovereignty refering to frequence. So hold on ! 🙂
This explanation ties in with a question that I have been meaning to ask you for a while. In this entry, you say that space is just an illusory and illusional construct of the mind and “if enough people believe it, then it is maintained for who knows how many eons.”
So what happens when we read older books from Almine, about races that no longer exist or principles that no longer apply (ie fear as an emotion)? Are we maintaining those spider webs by revisiting them, therefore holding them in place?