In today’s transmission on I AM Presence, Almine reveals some mind-boggling information on AIDS and ancestral lineages. These revelations pertain not only to the origin of the disease, but also a tricky ‘group mind’ aspect that is associated with it. This means that the resolution of the disease involves the whole family grid, rather than just the individual. Phenomena such as this are a good reason to ensure you are detached from the energetic exchange of any ancestral grid, and this free sigil download promotes that.
Update April 12th, 2014
Almine has given the name of the wheel of severing ancestral lineages
Sahut sakavet uvesvi (Self Sovereign freedom through renewal)
mel says
I am suspecting that my AIDS is actually spreading to my father and I kept having this notion in my heart for sometime. Now Almine’s remark made that clear. Mel
Michelle Elo Devi Heart says
Hey Almine. There is not need to sever anything in one’s lineage! I would never think of it..we are One. I still talk to Angels and work in the Light–it’s all One. We are the peacemakers–the light bringers—learning the resonant fields and earth magic as our elder healer ancestors did. I appreciate your work. Now let’s do it for free.
tina says
Thank you so much Deep appreciation. I have had an injury since 2009 & i strongly believe this is an ancestral wound …. so as you can imagine i am glued to this Sigil. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for your beauty full work
Joel Janvier says
Wow! What ‘s a powerful and outstanding sigil. I would like to know if there are any specific details or methods about how to use it. I am getting it right now.
Thanks to the team!
Niels says
Nothing specific for this particular sigil, Joel. But great recommendations and an explanatory recording by Almine can be found here:
I think that page will give you all the information you need.
Team Almine