When faced with overhwelming odds, surrender to the chaos – the wave must eventually lead to another shore of order, because it is always so, that one pole yields to another. ~ Insight number 10 of Atlantean Scroll of Order and Chaos
Cleaning Up the Bullies of the Cosmos
In the new March course Almine uses your dreams to show how they indicate upcoming cosmic developments and how physical events mirror them (you can listen to a very dramatic example here). The “bullies” of the cosmos, the programs that design adversity, are being eliminated cosmically. This happened on the same day that President Obama… Continue reading→
Balancing Frequency
Balancing the two forms of frequency (expanding and contracting) slows time down but does not eliminate it since they are the two poles of moving frequency. Moving frequency has an opposite: Memory (which is stationary) and is formed by patterns of little frequency pieces. All of these exists as a result of being contained (having… Continue reading→
Polarity and Debt
The source of debt is polarity. Polarity is based on one pole thriving at the expense of another, something is always in something else’s debt. Only in moving beyond opposites can we create a debt-free society.
Inclusive Sovereignty
Art by Natalia Energy has previously been the movement between two opposite poles. In reality it is the inclusive sovereignty of expression.
What is War?
Art by Natalia Everything that is part of separation is antagonistic to its opposite. Life is therefore at war with itself.
Transcending Polarity
Photo by Almine Living on the treadmill of polar opposites reveals that opposites travel in pairs. Within one the other can be found; within life decay abounds. In recognizing the value of both, we can transcend them.
Living Oneness
Photo by Almine Some shun riches because they can entrap the awareness of man; others wear poverty like a badge of righteousness. But they are one – for as long as we live a life of opposites through judgment, what gains we have bring with them certain losses.
In Oneness
Photo by Almine Death and life, the push and pull of existence, have provided the necessary movement and energy to sustain a life imagined to be separate from its Source.
Memory and Polarity
~ Photo by Almine Memory is inherent in the polarity of life and death – the one hold the memories of life in the other. This binds us to the past.