The artificial construct of relationship must, by nature, become a battleground. All opposite poles fight for survival
Polarity and Linear Time
The basic cause of linear time arising from life’s resistance is polarity. We create a separation between our self and life, instead of being the One – both the expresser and the expressed – both the cause and the effect. This gives rise to the most depleting, age-promoting attitude: self-pity.
Cosmic Cycles
We thank Cec, a student on one of our online courses, Interstellar Mysticism ( for several questions that she submitted to us. Q. On the radio show of 4/24/10* Almine mentioned that the cosmos closed down old spirals of existence last week and that the wheel of existence has gone up one side and down the… Continue reading→
Q. For the last several weeks I have been experiencing what I can only describe as feelings of density, depression, ‘dark forces’, even very unpleasant interference from ETs. Can you please help me understand what is going on and what I can do about it? A. Huge strides were made, more than I can currently… Continue reading→