Rest not in the accomplishments of the past, for much remains to be done. Continue reading→
Power Sigil For The Guardians Of Space
This power sigil is a free gift from an anonymous, Wonderful Lightfamily member.
…a holy task that requires power and energy. Continue reading→
Power Sigil For Mars
This power sigil is a free gift from an anonymous, Beloved Lightamily member.
May they value the motivating and guiding power of their emotions. Continue reading→
Power Sigil For Haiti
This power sigil is a free gift from a Beloved, anonymous, Lightfamily member.
For this was meant to be a blessed land that will serve as a refuge in days to come. Continue reading→
Power Sigil For Canada
This power sigil is a free gift from The Alberta Goddesses.
May the power of this sigil throw off the pollution of hostile alien infiltrators that seek to possess this fair land. Continue reading→
Power Sigil For The Global Inner Child
This power sigil is a free gift from an anonymous, Wonderful Lightfamily member.
Let it begin with you. Continue reading→
Power Sigil – The Eternal Mother
This power sigil is a free gift from an anonymous, Beloved Lightfamily member.
But the environment is Her mirror in which She studies Herself. Continue reading→
Power Sigil For Orion
This power sigil is a free gift from an anonymous, Wonderful Lightfamily member.
Best to change things moving forward.
Continue reading→
Power Sigil For The Restoration Of The Original Ones
This power sigil is a free gift from anonymous, Beloved Lightfamily members.
Let healing come this day to their pain of alienation and their longing for the peaceful habitation of before. Continue reading→
Power Sigil For A Harmonious And Profound Integrated Expression Of Inner And Outer Space
This power sigil is a free gift from an anonymous, Beloved Lightfamily member.
Their destiny is to restore the planetary Song of the Self through resonance. Continue reading→