In man’s stages of evolution, most who go into God-consciousness think they have arrived at enlightenment and stay there. It is as much of an addiction to be in expanded awareness as it is to be in contracted awareness. Both bring old age and death. Expanded awareness brings stagnation – as does all over-polarization into… Continue reading→
Perpetual Rejuvenation through Mastering Opposites
The art of rejuvenation, unknown to the masses, has long been practiced, with varying degrees of success, in the mystery schools of the world. Locked away from corrupting influences of man, these mystics have attempted to disengage from the grid that programs the death and life cycles of man. These practitioners of the rejuvenation methods,… Continue reading→
Ikelke Wisdom and Braamish Ananu – January 2013 Global Ceremony
Ikelke Wisdom meets Braamish Ananu Belvaspata Welcome to this month’s global ceremony with one of Almine’s spiritual tools. After last month’s success with the global ceremony of the Flowers of Life, this month we continue with a combination of the Ikele Sigils (from Secrets of Rejuvenation) and Braamish Ananu Belvaspata (from Belvaspata – Angel Healing… Continue reading→
Transient Timelessness
A little update on what topics Almine has been working on over the last few days. Since the last day of 2012, “knowing ourself to be transient timelessness” is a concept that she had quite some insights on: Transient timelessness does not mean changelessness. It means that you choose neither old age, nor youth. As soon… Continue reading→
The Joy Of Being Alive
From today on forward we will every week share a poetic tone from the Calendar of Oneness in audio form. Today it is “physical rejuvenation through experiencing the joy of being alive”. We hope you enjoy. Also, check out the little extra audio we recorded about the usage of the Calendar of Oneness, called My Sacred… Continue reading→
Overwhelm is a Choice
Overwhelm is a Choice 04/21/2012 In this very practical episode of Awakening, we go into the issue of overwhelm. How do you keep your inner silence when faced with too much work, too much urgent issues that have to be taken care of and too much things that are screaming for your attention? Marc, Rogier… Continue reading→
Standing Before The Wonder Of Our Being
You can now also find Almine on Pinterest: A social network entirely devoted to sharing pictures. And we already have quite a few on there, like this one. Come and take a look here. ~*~ We are in the home stretch of Almine’s “Can I Get A Hug Now?” contest. All the testimonials have… Continue reading→
The Nature Of Individuated Life
The nature of individuated life is conflict and opposition. Only in knowing ourselves to be the One Being can we find peace. ~ Almine in her book Secrets of Rejuvenation.
Desert Moonlight – Music for Rejuvenation
As you might have noticed, we are putting quite some videos on Youtube! Among them, this beautiful video of the sound elixir Desert Moonlight. This is one of the Saradesi Fountain of Youth Sound Elixirs (Music for Rejuvenation). Both the vocals and the instrumentation were composed and performed spontaneously by Almine (channelled, in other words)… Continue reading→
Crucifix of Man (The Pranic Tube)
Man is the only species that crucifies himself, carrying his crucifix with him Because he is the Cosmic archetype, he thereby crucifies all Click to Download Almine’s Meditation to Eliminate the Illusion of the Pranic Tube In this short text Almine translates certain Lemurian Records that resonate with themes from Greek mythology. These identify the… Continue reading→