Your presence shall bless your neighbors with the potential to refine and elevate themselves beyond their current lifestyle. Continue reading→
Eternal Mind Sigil
Sigil Continue reading→
The Bridge – Magic Tee Blessing Sigil
Tina: Beloved, the file of the Magic Tee blessing that we have is missing some ink in several places, would you please refill in the necessary information. The Seer: Yes, I would be happy to. Tina: The next day The Seer gave me the sigil back and the following was her message to me: The… Continue reading→
Almine Completes the Five Elements Sigil
Two days later, the Seer completes the Five Elements sigil. Continue reading→
Almine Draws the Five Elements Sigil
The Seer Almine draws the Five Elements sigil for her upcoming How to Establish a Life of Graceful Change. Continue reading→
Nine Amazing Sigils
I saw nine of these amazing sigils in the night, and I want to draw them before I forget their details. They are like writing a computer program, programming information into the colors of your Timemap (as well as the layers of color found in quantum particles). This one is for the color red. Continue reading→
Angels of Timemap 2017
More than one person has asked if there are sigils for the 384 angels of Timemap 2017…are there any?… Continue reading→
Inner Child Sigil
Question: Is it possible to receive a Sigil to heal the Inner Child? I have been feeling the need to ask you for few weeks now. Could this be related to the need to be recognized? Almine’s Answer: The Inner Child’s sigil is found on page 198 (The Wheel of the Dynamic Balance of the… Continue reading→
A New Generation of Power Sigils
From the moment I saw Almine draw the first Power Sigil for the Resurrected Life, I was in awe. They are masterpieces. Each one has a specially chosen and one of a kind carefully crafted background – a work of art by itself. Continue reading→
Releasing Physical Pain and Trauma
Recently we announced Esklavanet Belvaspata for Releasing Ghosts and Psychic Impressions – it’s a brand new protocol for Belvaspata. At our recent Toronto event, someone asked about a pain that extended from their mid-back, traveling down their side and onto their thigh. I consulted with Almine about this question, see her reply below. In the… Continue reading→