Defense mechanisms are based on yesterday’s failures; coping mechanisms are based on… Continue reading→
Daily Life As A Resurrected Being
Question: What is one of the biggest changes that one goes through in terms of how one sees, or experiences life, as a resurrected being? Answer: Time is experienced differently than ever before. It seems to have collapsed into the single moment. The past seems like an hour ago and the future is foreshortened. It’s… Continue reading→
Resurrection, Transcendence, and Transfiguration – New Almine Video Interview
A new video interview with Almine by Liquid Lunch from! In this recording Almine discusses many things, among others: Oneness to leave duality Awake world of magic Timelessness beyond the subatomic realms Nano technology God Merkaba 7 bodies of man High alchemy – Qi Vesta to make your business succeed White Owl in shamanic… Continue reading→
3rd Day Out of Time for 2014 – September 9th
Introduction For your calendars! This upcoming September 9th (a Tuesday) is the third day out of time for 2014. Here is the information from the event page on Day Out of Time As Almine puts it: “…on a day out of time, your reality becomes non-physical, even though you might not feel the difference…. Continue reading→
Day Out of Time: Tomorrow, November 22nd
A day out of time This is a little reminder for tomorrow’s ‘day out of time’, November 22nd, 2013. As Almine puts it: “…on a day out of time, your reality becomes non-physical, even though you might not feel the difference. You can set big trends in motion and shape the quality of unfolding trends…. Continue reading→
Haaraknit As A State Of Being
The recent online course Messages from the Angels 3 has been one of the most information packed and intense courses I have ever experienced. It’s just amazing how the insights build upon each other, yet can be studied and implemented independently of Almine’s other material. During this course we learn more about the Haaraknit and… Continue reading→
He Who Promotes the Purity of Life – Gods and Goddess Archetypes pt. 8
In middle to late February, Almine workshops are being organized in Russia and Ukraine. Marc and Niels will be sharing a wide variety of Almine’s teachings, focussed primarily on the topics of the Hadji-ka and the hefty subject of resurrection. Below is one a little peak into a subject they will discuss… God Archetype Vraba-usvaset-nichta – (formerly known as Leemu-el He… Continue reading→
Transient Timelessness
A little update on what topics Almine has been working on over the last few days. Since the last day of 2012, “knowing ourself to be transient timelessness” is a concept that she had quite some insights on: Transient timelessness does not mean changelessness. It means that you choose neither old age, nor youth. As soon… Continue reading→
Tapestry of Non-Linear Time
The nature of timeless time and the Calendar of Oneness ~ Is the nature of non-linear time such that that all moments exist simultaneously within the eternal present moment? If this is so, then how is this eternal moment expressed daily through the Calendar of Oneness and how is this information accessed? ” Timeless existence… Continue reading→
Calendar of Oneness Week 1 – Day 2
Sigil: Brabahuk-pursbahur Angel: Strivanek Tone: Complete surrender to breathtaking beauty For more information on these and other sigils and angels from the Calendar of Oneness, see the explaining post here.