The Seer interrupted her silent solitude to come into the Egyptian Fragrance Shop, and reinvent the healing oil. She has changed the alchemy in the healing oil to be able to carry greater light (accessed information). Continue reading→
The Infinite’s Embodiment
Up until the time of planetary (and then cosmic) resurrection, there has only been body (transformation), soul (transmutation), and spirit (transfiguration). Then came resurrected matter (transcendence): a fourth point, able to create three-dimensional form. The Infinite has been able to… Continue reading→
What is Transcendence?
A question for Almine: Can you give me an example of transcendence? Almine Answers: One reality changing to another without endings or beginnings, like winter turning into spring spontaneously. Question: How can spring, in this limited example, be considered as ‘evolution’? Almine Answers: It is an example, that is of course taken out of context… Continue reading→
Perpetual Rejuvenation through Mastering Opposites
The art of rejuvenation, unknown to the masses, has long been practiced, with varying degrees of success, in the mystery schools of the world. Locked away from corrupting influences of man, these mystics have attempted to disengage from the grid that programs the death and life cycles of man. These practitioners of the rejuvenation methods,… Continue reading→
Intervention from Source – part 1
During the weekend Almine noted that ‘there will be a huge cosmic update on Monday in the recording of Ask Almine Anything 5 (day 11)’. Well, it is Monday and here we share a part of that recording to keep you all in the loop: AAA5 – Day 11: Intervention from Source 1 In this recording Almine… Continue reading→
The Evolution of Power (Part 2)
Today we continue with the second and final part of Almine’s article on the Evolution of Power. Read part one here. There are three different ways of affecting reality indirectly: 1) Through perception 2) Through emphasizing aspects of life with frequency and resonance 3) Through removing obstructive filters 1) The Use of Perception (Transfiguration) Perception yields… Continue reading→
Awaken And The Shadows Disappear In the second of Almine’s Amsterdam interviews she talks about Lemuria, Atlantis and in particular about the Inner Earth and her fascinating encounters with it’s inhabitants. See the first video in this series of three here.
The Immature Parts That Fell Behind – The Inner-Child and Its Tool
Here is the second part of the interview with Almine, titled “The Destiny of Man”. You can read part one here. Q: You travel at such a stupendous rate of growth that you have said that you make yourself wrong quicker than others; “today’s truth is not tomorrow’s truth”, you have said… What has changed… Continue reading→
Almine’s Answer to a Facebook Question
Facebook Question from Oct. 19 Almine’s Post: The clinging to the familiar like a well worn blanket, causes a rut which limits resources and causes bodily aging. It leaves the body behind. Transcending the limitation of mortality, rejuvenates. Question: Does that mean we have to “die” to transcend? Or is it just a ‘spiritual’ death… Continue reading→
Clearing Energy Blocks
Energy awakens and heals itself when you pause in your day and spontaneously chant. Words that can be used to clear energy blocks are: Saradesi vra u nam The Fountain of Youth* I am Ka nun ta ba haravu ukla Without beginning or end am I Sanata su resvi uta Indivisible forever my being *Saradesi,… Continue reading→