Unusual questions that the Seer answered in retreats during the past years:
What is the primary imbalance that occurs in a society that causes chaotic restructuring?
I applaud your discernment in realizing that chaos is the result of imbalance. In the case in question, it is an imbalance that occurs when complexity is valued more than simplicity. One of a pair of opposites cannot be given more value than its polar opposite. The solution to the tension that is caused between disparate opposites is to integrate them; to live them both at once. The very elusive concept of wholesomeness is in fact the restoration of simplicity within complexity. But to return to your question about the chaotic destructuring of civilizations: when the complexity of city life is valued more than the relative simplicity of country life; the abode of a high rise more than a cottage in nature for instance; a multi-course menu more than a simple meal (to give but a few examples) then life becomes a greedy grasping for ever more. Arrogance results from such a superficial value system and intrinsic value becomes obscured by the amassing of complexity. When man in his arrogance, behaves insensitively towards his environment, he loses his connection with nature — natural disasters and ill-health results.
Previous: Fun Facts About The Seer
Dhani says
Hahhaa…..too funny I had just this dream last night. I had an apartment in the city, where life was a bit chaotic and I had a country home more peacefully situated and live. LOL!! YEs, LIVE it OUT LOUD!!
Dhani says
More peacefully situated and lived.
Sue B says
timely and elucidating xx
Ailsa Mclean says
Thanks. xxx
Joanne Harding says
Thank you Tina and Almine xx
Denise says
Such gratitude for the above question and answer.