Question: The students want to know why this happened:
• Ecuador earthquake yesterday, hundreds killed
• Japan earthquake last week, 40 killed
Almine’s answer:
Yes I can answer that. The flood of lower consciousness refugees from the underworld is causing the Earth at this reality a lot of distress – she’s buckling under the strain. There needs to be a separate reality formed for them, with 171 principles. They need a home of their own; the way god beings needed their own reality as they walk amongst men (established in 2013 with 441 principles forming its foundation). Humanity needs to be in their own Pristine Human reality. This was also the answer to why I succumbed to the flu virus – things were flooding up from the lower sub-conscious
Request from Almine:
Almine asks that our Lightfamily do the first seven sigils of Kaanish Belvaspata for the people of Ecuador & Japan, and that we send our love and prayers to our small, but diligent group of Lightfamily in Ecuador.
Dear Almine, to a great extent most of these Earth changes as you know it are happening due to several factors. Gaia is releasing pockets of negative densities that have accrued over Aeons of time here on her physical body as she is preparing for her return to her original place in the Omniverse. Those who leave the Planet do so because they either could not handle the higher Light frequencies, or, those who have finished their purpose here decide to leave now as well. All are done within their pre-incarnation contracts. This is the Law Of Balance. Another factor in these Earth cleansing is due to the negative energies that Humanity is releasing as a result of the many conflicts, violence, economical instability among other factors that are ongoing on Gaia. These situations cause many to be in fear, anxiety, doubts, anger, hatred, and other negative expressions of life. Their deep seated forms of judgment over their brothers and sisters is causing a great state of imbalance. These energies being released cause a stagnancy in our atmosphere that affects Gaia and all on Gaia. The Devas, Nature Spirits, and Elementals are called upon to remove these stagnant energies in the form of storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and at worst tsunamis. Fire also comes into play like the Phoenix to burn the old so that the new may arise. These Earth cleansing will continue until we have reached a level of Lightness and Purity collectively and individually. Love elevates all, not just love for family and friends, but even to your so-called enemies. All are our soul brothers and soul sisters created by the same Creator/Father/Mother/God/Goddess/Prime Source. Much love and light to all.
A message from Almine: We are grateful that our Ecuadorian lightfamily are uninjured and well. As the earthquake happened on the coast and they live in the mountains – they were not directly affected. Many blessings, love, gratitude and respect to our Ecuadorian family and to all the people of Ecuador.
My dear lightfamily thank you for all the love you are sending to my people in Ecuador . The earthquake has been devastating along the coast side of Ecuador.
hundreds of people have died and thousands are homeless this has been the most devastating for 67 years.
We live in highlands and no major damage in our city. Thank you brothers and sisters for your support and please keep doing Kaanish.
with all my love
Lupe from Quito Ecuador
Thank you Dearest Almine for this request <3
It seems this has been surfacing in my dream state as really intense frightful dreams.
My love to both these places.
May we bring peace and prosperity to our beloved Earth.
Thank you for this request Almine.
Dear Almine, could you please tell more about what you mean, when you say that refugees need separate reality to form for them; a home of their own. How could this reality look like in everyday life? Or that depends on certain changes within.
I seem to understand the godhood platform and pristine human reality easier.