If passion has become a stranger to us, we may need to become reacquainted with it one facet at a time. When it is expressed, passion consists of taking risks. It is the precursor to accomplishment and the building of something new. It adds new experiences, further boundaries, and new depth to our lives.
To train ourselves to hear the voice of passion again, we find the yearning of our heart and follow where it leads. We make a concerted effort to break free from the prison bars of ruts and expectations, socially conditioned limitations and self-imposed belief systems that keep us in mediocrity. We take a few minutes a day to dare to dream of what would make our hearts sing.
We awake each morning and determine to live the day before us as though it were our last. We look at our lives as though for the first time, with a fresh perspective that can detect the joyless, self-sacrificing areas. With courage and great consideration for the consequences of our actions on others, we implement our first steps to bring the glow of passion back to these areas.
From Almine’s fourth book The Ring of Truth – Sacred Secrets of the Goddess.
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Wow! Passion has been a real issue for me this past decade. I had grown so used to denying myself (because life had gotten so trying, stifling) that I forgot what things “rang my bell.” Just in these past few days, I found something that makes my heart sing. I could have overlooked it, passed it by — but here it is staring at me in the face. WOW! It came out of an adverse situation.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!