Harmful Tap Water –
According to the 2017 Environmental Working Group (EWG) report on public tap water, New York water tested above the national average for six dangerous chemicals including:
• Bromodichloromethane
• Chloroform
• Chromium (hexavalent)
• Dichloroacetic Acid
• Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs)
• Trichloroacetic Acid
Each of these chemicals is known to cause cancer in humans. And this list doesn’t even take into account the other harmful Nitrates and Chlorates that the EWG found in New York’s water supply.
~ The Seer Almine
Helpful Information:
Barbara Kathryn says
The EWG has a data base where you can look up your and your family’s zip codes. Newport, Oregon for instance is served by surface water, which contains 4 contaminants; 3 exceed EWG health guidelines.
The EWG is for the US. For your own country, look up if there is an interactive database. I quickly found a very easy and complete one for the European country I live in. Where I live it’s mountainous; not a lot of agriculture = not a lot of pesticides. According to the chart most of the villages are ‘satisfactory’. I haven’t looked up other towns yet.
We use only our own wildish spring water, which we had analysed for microbes & such, minerals and Ph. It’s excellent as well as having a high vibration on the Bovis scale.
I think the filtered water with shunganite would bring the vibration of town water up too.
Barbara Kathryn says
Also in the Newport, Oregon data:
“According to EWG’s analysis of 2019 lead testing results, this utility complied with federal water quality regulations for lead. Under the federal Lead and Copper Rule, lead concentrations must be below 15 parts per billion (ppb) in 90 percent of households sampled. If this legal limit is exceeded, the water utility must apply measures to control lead leaching from water pipes.”
“Number of lead samples taken in 2019: 30
Highest level detected in 2019: 71.3 ppb ”
“Complying with the EPA’s lead rules doesn’t mean that the water is safe for children to drink. The EPA’s recent modeling suggests that lead concentrations in the 3.8 to 15 ppb range can put a formula-fed baby at risk of elevated blood lead levels. The Environmental Health Hazard Assessment set a public health goal level of 0.2 ppb for lead in drinking water to protect against even subtle IQ loss in children.”
Mieke says
What a great insight you have given here…. Much Gratitude to you Barbara K.
Alexandra says
The unconscionable people need to be dealt with immediately.
Mieke says
Wow… that is pretty serious.
Kai says
Thanks …Almine…
Having family affected by this…
I was wondering if some of us are holding karma for the cosmos….
And if it’s releasable
Dhani says
Oh my goodness!