The Seer:
The Angelgod many call around the world for protection, is also called Gabriel. The Angel you knew as Gabriel has had a name change and no longer responds to that name. The previous Gabriel Angel now works on a different assignment and is now called Eluhimvael. The Present Gabriel will come to those who call on him for protection. Because the need to protect innocent ones has become greater, he has been strengthened in his duties to protect, by being given a newly evoked legion of Angelgods to work with him. Eluhimvael is removing the black magic that has been placed in old stone structures and crystal skulls and other crystal objects (his new job).
This powersigil is a gift from a lightsister
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This is beautiful. Thank you for this much-needed gift.
many thanks Almine LPGTH
A Deep Thank You to our LightSister for this most
important PowerSigil🙏❤️✨
Thank you dear sister. How thoughtful of you to call upon this. I am inspired!
Can we call on Eluhimvael to remove any black magic that may be present in crystal objects and crystals we currently have in our possesion?
Sorry – what I should ask is how to use the PS. Shall we place the crystals on the PS and call on Eluhimvael to remove any black magic that may be present? Thank you!
I would think that would be quite possible Lynett and a good idea to do by proxy.