“You are either a cause or you are an effect” ~Almine
“The folly of man is that he says he searches for truth, but what he searches for is to affirm his already held belief systems.” ~Almine
Tomorrow we’ll feature a special broadcast on Lightworker.co, titled You Are Listening to the Propaganda of the Children – and it’s a little fierce. Almine had reconsidered posting it, but I asked we share it anyway. Because anything less outspoken is evidently just enabling the stuff of The Dream on this path: ascension, Nibiru, Illuminati and the other obsolete paradigms promoted by the teachers of humanity. And while such muddying of the waters is nothing new, its negative implications are now more tangible:
A package of powerful and sacred information has been floating in front of Almine for more than a month, but she has been unable to open it. She is entering a week of seclusion today and will see what can be done to access it. The Angel god Ufravimvael responded as follows when Almine asked why she couldn’t open the information:
“It is the eighth and most holy set of Runes. It is being withheld because many of the Ancient Ones that follow this journey disrespect these holy revelations by searching for truth and validations among the teachings of man. This creates alternate realities and delays progress on Earth. This journey is for the holy ones; that they may receive at a higher level that which creates a peaceful and sacred future.”
Almine entering a week of seclusion — may all the angels be with her. Am Praying we will learn, what we should learn and accept whatever is meant to come.
I found a screaming laugh coming out of me involuntarily when I read your comment. It’s wonderful!
Thank You!
Safe journeys dearest Almine. We are with you.
From the bottom of my heart thank you for sharing this message, I feel it is not fierce at all, it is very important impeccable highest truth. Deep gratitude and much love
I have a blockcage to finish my therapist education and long The way it has been The teachings of Almine, that have shown me The way, when I have seen hardship, so I hope I am one of Them who is on The right path ..
How wonderful it will be to receive the truth of this sacred revelation. All my love and gratitude, beloved Almine
May you open these set of Runes with perfect ease, comfort and grace. Many blessings to you Almine and team with love, praise and gratitude.
thank you Almine… with deep love and reverence..
I’m so grateful for this post, I realized something very profound; through self-appreciation, work becomes devotion.
I would welcome this Almine and in honesty see where i am also stuck please no more couching the truth. These are or may be our blind spots we/I need them dissolved . Thank you from the depths of my being in LPGST
“It is being withheld because many of the Ancient Ones that follow this journey disrespect these holy revelations by searching for truth and validations among the teachings of man.” Yes it seems to be as you say!
An unfortunate truth but with purpose. The next set of Runes will only be that much more beneficial and benevolent.
I have seen this so clearly for many years. What is without is within. Maybe a 2 X 4 across the head for all who needs it. Maybe even me. I would welcome it if that is the case with much Gratitude.
Beloved Almine, the beings in the home we are currently in are with you. Thank you for all you are doing. Please let us know how we can help. Until your safe, healthy return..
With Infinite gratitude and love,