I’ve had very irregular heartbeats lately. Why?
Almine’s Answer:
In resurrection, four hidden principles of high magic should be activated.
There are four hidden qualities of the heart (correlating to the heart’s four chambers), that when released should facilitate heartbeat coordination. They are:
(1.) Patient receptivity, through faith, of the reliable and perfectly timed awakening and delivery of inner abilities.
(2.) Integrating life and death in equal measures by celebrating the bodily organs’ function of life, and welcoming reality’s dreamlike quality of death.
(3.) Living from the deep solitude of inner space.
(4.) Releasing the man-made need for heroism, drama, beginnings and endings, so that the illusion of opposites as the stage of life can dissolve.
As usual, great insights from Almine & comments from others. Thanks especially for Phil’s approach & Dhani for her comment about bumping into things more. Like her & Barbara, I’ve noticed myself doing this, too, in recent months yet unlike Dhani I hadn’t been aware to connect it to expanding field. Thanks & blessings to all!
Well said Almine
My experience has been that as we continue to integrate more light into our beings especially the mind and raise our consciousness The heart then must follow with this raising up and as I’ve had dozens of these panic attacks and irregular heartbeats, I’ve learned to immediately do a meditation that focuses on visualizing the heart at the top or above my head and telling it that I love it and that we are all one as I sensed there was a feeling when the mind moves up that the heart feels left behind and can panic so this meditation has been the key to calming my heart. As I integrate all of the chakras together I’ve learned that wearing a lot of green clothing and colors assists with providing strong heart energy to also help the heart so that it does not feel left behind. Big luv to u all!
Astounding!… and yes, as I was riding on a bus through an amazing autumnal countryside today, wide eyed at the colours presenting themselves to me, I felt something happen to my heart at one stage (activation must be the word). The word ‘faith’ was on my mind too… and so much more. This is just so astounding.
Dearest Almine, I have been having this interesting experience lately in meditation, how can I describe? There is a pronounced vibrational shifting movement both horizontally and at times forward and backward like a camera lens quickly zooming in to witness something that I am not allowing fully. I don’t feel fear holding me back, just the experience ends there. Is this what you describe as the movement of the assemblage point? LPGT, Robin R
Very timely message here. Thank you. 🙂
I have noticed that the body-field requires merging with, living Infinite Intent, to activate. I can feel only the field, operating as Infinite Intent now. Much larger and without boundaries, of what I had previously experienced as a “body”. Very curious phenomenon unfolding. Still getting used to it and bumpy into objects sometimes, because they are also part of “me”.
Properly connecting with our mother Earth, was the precursor for this.
Hi Dhani, your explanation of bumping into things because you now perceive them as pzrt of youself fits! I experience this too and was wondering not so much why I am more clutsy, as I figured it was age that makes me not careful of where my hand ends and an object begins: not ‘caring’ (as in not giving a tinker’s damn). I think I can be easier on myself by resonating with your account of it.