Is there anything we can do to help strengthen your heart, Almine? I’ve heard you’re overcoming heart failure?
The 8th Principle of High Magic…
Embodying the four hidden attributes of High Magic:
- Patient receptivity through faith, of the reliable and perfectly timed awakening and delivery of inner abilities.
- Integrating life and death in equal measures by celebrating the bodily organs’ function of life, and welcoming reality’s dreamlike quality of death.
- Living from the deep solitude of inner space.
- Releasing the man-made need for heroism, drama, beginnings and endings, so that the illusion of opposites as the stage of life, can dissolve.
The Sigil for Principle of High Magic #8:
The first twenty sigils of High Magic:
So I work with the first 8 Sigils and Angel Gods?
You can work specifically with the eight.. And use the others like a power object when you set intention. They help turn matter to incorruptible light
See also:
A Gift of High Magic
The Sigils are beautiful. I would love to use them.
I’m holding you and your beautiful heart in the high
Incorruptible holy White Light~ Healing Stream
continuous and flowing Healing Love~
Hoping that you are doing well, dear Almine. As I was integrating the four hidden attributes of High Magic, I received information that we are flushing out “plastic” from our bodies, which can no longer can be present in our bodies, since we are starting to produce highly evolved hormones. I had for that night flue like symptoms and there was presence of green light, new color green that I never seen before, that helps to clear the plastic out from our cells, organs, bodily systems and helps our Earth too, to deal with the plastic.
Yes, I had the green light in my body a few days ago, after performing the white light meditation. It cleared out after a couple of days. I was wondering what that was. Thanks for this insight Jana. 🙂
Yes, I have been working with the white light, and now will add these sigils as well as calling on the Angel Gods.
Oh my…will get on this right away…to assist in strengthening your heart.
Much love to you,