Is Almine Looking for You Specifically?
If you only knew the power of your sexuality… ~ Almine
Listen to this recording on the power of your sexuality and find out if Almine is looking for you specifically.
Find out more about the Christmas retreat in Almine’s own home here.
Or contact our facilitator Jan for more information:ย
Are you one of the missing 5 people to complete the alchemy?
Richard Mark Tredennick says
I would not consider my self worthy of a place. What will be is in the water and stars. I pray by the river and look to the stars at night. What is in my heart is true but we are all held back by human responsibilities. The answer lies in the testimonial of others. I would not put myself forward it would have to be for others to nominate me. Then I would gladly atend and share my soul and my experience with those that will listen.
Barbara Kathryn says
Oh! Have the 5 people found themselves? I notice that the enrollment page now says “sold out”!
Jessica Wyborn says
I feel that one of those positions is for me. Unfortunately I live in Australia and unless I learn how to astral travel within the next few days I may not be able to attend.
Good luck with it all, may the true purpose of our sexual energy be revealed.
Kelly Hanna says
My heart says “yes” my bank account isn’t there yetโฆIf this changes I will be with you!
Deb says
I believe I should be there in light of a somewhat disturbing sexual dream I had two nights ago but as Marisa says, my bank account says differently. But who knows what the next few days will bring.
Hazel says
I believe It would be such a wonderful experience.
Ehfravim Vrael says
How do you know if you are the person that is needed? Isn’t this information given out to Almine?
metwaly says
funny enough:dhani, maria and barbara are the ones i comunicated a lot within this forumi love the possibilityto be one of these missing ones-but my bankaccount saysdifferently as well-i might attend non-physically,maybe that is part of an equation….
Lynette says
My heart is open to the possibilities as it does not look possible for me to join this Christmas retreat. Thank you, blessings to you.
maria arvanitidis says
maria arvanitidis says
Colin says
You mentioned the Winter Retreat in the podcast but where is Newport? Is it in South Wales or Southern California or >>>>>>>>?
Thanks Colin
Gayle says
Is Almine looking for an Arcturian star seed who is united with her twin flame?
Marisa King says
oh, I wish I wish I wish it was me!
although my Bank account currently says differently ๐
and I say all this Lightheartedly ๐
for there are always magical possibilities….. ๐
Dhani says
Hey Rogier,
I sent you an email. Please check and let me know. Thanks