In this audio Almine talks about the difficult subject of throwing your truths out of the window, spinning on a dime and changing in fluidity. Also, how does on deal with overwhelming odds?
This audio is one from the vaults! We are gathering them all on Almine’s new under the header “The Basics“. In it, Almine shares practices and techniques that greatly enhance your understanding of the human condition and sky rocket your own spiritual development, much in the same way they have done for her. Listen and find out more about topics ranging from successful relationships to losing world views, and from the high road of adventure to cultivating fluidity…
Visit “The Basics – Audio Section“, and be sure to check back often, for we will continually be adding more of these audios from the vaults…
Corrien says
Fine tuning and contemplate you
To what ?
In the stillness you may discover little you the moving part
Mind ,feelings,sensations
Then tears arise tears and tears
Grace is happening praying to your beingness the Infinite
The ocean always there
Returning to your beingness every moment
Will bring such a peace in your day and night in the moving part of your beingness
Gratitude comes true love true praying and the true trust that you are home
Simple to turn to your ocean