Is the Garden of Eden the same oil/frequency as the Secret Garden to do the initiation in the first part of Mastery of the Unfathomable?
No, it’s very different. If you don’t have one of the oils, use its oil sigil. But using the wrong oil in an alchemical equation will produce entirely different end results. Results that could put you in a completely different reality.
Initiation into the Fourth Stage
For the initiation into the fourth stage of the White Light, it is advised that you order four initiation oils in advance: (be aware that during April the 3.5ml size is on sale for only $10 each). These oils activate dormant brain functions and prepare the bodyʼs cells to be able to accept increased metamorphoses into White Light without discomfort.
In the event that you do not receive your oils on time, we are making the oil sigils available. Place them where you would have placed the oils, and when your oils arrive, replay the initiation section of this webinar, placing the oils as follows (and in the following order):
Song of the High Heart
Is placed two finger widths below the hollow of the throat.
Secret Garden
Is placed two finger widths above the navel.
Is placed on the third eye (between the eyebrows, but slightly higher )
Lion of Judah
Is placed on the crown, directly above the head
I also would like to share my feeling that was quite standing out for me during the recent webinar of mastery of unfathomable #1. Somewhere in the middle of the webinar, as Almine was speaking, it felt as though the revelations were coming from the book that was read from back to front (backwards). This felt somehow effortless for an assimilation of the revelations to me. Later I had an image of the Persian book being read from back to front.
When I was re-listening to the initiation part for the purpose of repeating the initiation with the fragrances sigils I had a feeling of “simultaneousness”, as though the past, present and future are one.
I would like to ask question regarding the alchemical fragrance Secret Garden, could you please clarify. For the initiation that we were doing during the Mastery of the Unfathomable #1, I did use the alchemical fragrance Secret Garden on the point above the belly button. Later I repeated the initiation with its sigil that we received through an initiation update, together with the rest of the alchemical fragrances and their sigils. But during this webinar was mentioned that the alchemical fragrance Secret Garden #2 is being created for this initiation which was not available before webinar, but it seems that the sigil is the same. I did order the fragrance Secret Garden #2, but what I am wondering is, if it would be beneficial to repeat the initiation with the Secret Garden #2 and its sigil.
I am also wondering which Secret Garden oil we will be utilizing for the initiation into the fourth stage of mastery of the unfathomable, if we happen to have both Secret Garden fragrances #1 and #2. Thank you
Thank you for this clarity. After doing the initiation through the webinar, I replayed it and did it again just recently. I would love to frequently apply the oils in the manner given with sigils and the Angle God and his sigil. However, should we listen to the initiation everytime when applying the oils also? Thank you lovely Almine for this sacred journey.