Yesterday Almine was a guest on the Spirit Seeker Hour radio show on blogtalkradio to talk about new paradigms through ancient records: The act of accessing ethereal records from the sacred libraries of the earth and bringing forth their deep insights and mysteries. Listen to this insightful show here. Also, this Friday we will start… Continue reading→
The Alien Inside
Have we gotten some feedback about this episode of Awakening from the Dream! Rogier gently introduces us to the astounding things that happened in the Gnostic Lab over the past week and the insights that have arisen from them: The mystery of Oak Island, re-forming alien races and the book of the angels. Almine takes… Continue reading→
Generosity – Life Giving To Itself
Over the past few weeks we have been posting the 7 supporting ascension attitudes that make up a life of spiritual mastery, together with the 3 primary ascension attitudes of love, praise and gratitude. Today we will finish this series with the last supporting attitude – generosity. Generosity If there is one thing that characterizes… Continue reading→
The Joy In The Eyes – Almine In Amsterdam
Take a little peek at what it means to be in a retreat with Almine! This short video was shot by Benno and je’NI during the Amsterdam retreat in May of 2011. The joy in the eyes and the passion in the voices of those that were present is just unbelievable. This post is also… Continue reading→
The New Day Tip-toes Over The Horizon
After posting the Song of the West earlier this week, this time up we will share the Song of the East. With these Songs of the Directions you can get a feel for the archtypical directions and the role they play in existence – in yourself. Enjoy! Song of the East From the East where… Continue reading→
Seeing Work And Creative Play As One
The positive principle of angelic wheel 72 (Arektu-plahabi) is: Seeing work and creative play as one. In this wheel you can see the ancient Naga language in written form. This language was spoken by Lemurian Naguals as they took their cosmology to other parts of the world. Their is still a library in Kanassa in… Continue reading→
The West Wind Whispers, For The West Wind Knows
As we mentioned in our post yesterday we are quite excited about the contest for people who are on the Ask Almine Anything 3 online course. The contest is to make your version of a Song of a Direction. Below we are posting an example by Almine -a Song of the West-, to inspire those… Continue reading→
The Infinite’s Language
Almine in Montreal Part 1: In this new youtube video, Almine speaks the Infinite’s language, and communicates with the angels surrounding the building during the Montreal retreat. She also shares some information about the French background in the story of her life. ~*~ We are having a blast during our third Ask Almine Anything online course!… Continue reading→
Creating The Quality Of The Journey
The positive principle for angelic wheel 71. Continue reading→
Timelessness Through Complete Surrender
An outpouring of Angelic information has recently begun to be received by Almine. There will be 300 wheels such as these given, of which today we will post number 70 and tomorrow number 71. Each wheel represents an archangel and the principle they embody. These specific wheels embody the dissolving of identity through activity; our defining ourselves… Continue reading→