Here you can find the third Atlantean insight into Order and Chaos. Read the second insight in this post here. The lack of confidence in anything mind cannot define, control or grasp, creates fear and is described as chaos. ~*~ Almine has just come back from one of her awesome spiritual retreats, this time in Missouri…. Continue reading→
Eliminating The Instincts Of The Mind
In this episode of Awakening from the Dream Almine goes deep into the subject of the rim of the tube torus of existence and talks about 2012 and alternate realities. Rogier, David, Else and Niels discuss eliminating the instincts of the mind, after last week’s show about eliminating the instincts of the heart. Audio clips,… Continue reading→
Matter And Form
In part 5 of this revealing series, Almine discusses what matter is, incorruptible holy matter, the Infinite as an androgynous being and we as incorruptible matter. Watch part 4 in this series here.
The Constructs Of The Mind – The Scroll Of Order And Chaos Pt. 2
The constructs of the mind; time, space, reason and intelligence are the result of creating tools to bolster and strengthen order in its dominance. This is the second insight of the Atlantean Scroll of Order and Chaos. See part 1 here.
The Tyranny Of The Preferred Pole – The Scroll Of Order And Chaos
After receiving tremendous amounts of Lemurian information earlier this year, Almine is now translating Atlantean information. This upcoming week we will be posting a first set of this information, consisting of 10 aphorisms on chaos and order. We will only be posting one or two at a time, because they are so powerful. Thus, you… Continue reading→
Dissolving Old Regimes
In today’s New Paradigms through Ancient Records radio show we are going to talk about three very powerful wheels. Wheels to dissolve the conspiracies against man by the few powerful elite. However, that is just the surface. We will also dig into their deeper meaning. These wheels are part of the set of 300 Angelic… Continue reading→
Trusting Like Perpetual Children
After posting the instincts of the heart here, we will now share the instincts of the mind. As with the instincts of the heart, those of the mind too have to eventually be eliminated on your path to spiritual mastery. Eliminating the 7 instincts of the mind: 1. The need to be responsible 2. The… Continue reading→
How We Became Real
In part 4 of this revealing series, Almine discusses the benefits that resulted from the Fall, why Mother stayed in the Dream so long and how we became real. See part 3 here.
The Higher Truth Of The Heart?
In the latest Awakening from the Dream radio show Else, Rogier, David and Niels talk about the instincts of the heart, what their pit falls are and why to eliminate them if you are serious about your spiritual path. Almine joins us in a fascinating audio clip, where she reveals we know so, so little… Continue reading→
Awakening The Silent Foundation Of Our Being
In our latest dutch Onkenbaar radio show we played a clip by Almine about the different forms of awareness in the universe. You can listen to the clip here. (It starts at the 20:57 minutes mark) ~*~ Interacting with our fellow man provides inspiration if we look for it. Communion with nature awakens the silent foundation of… Continue reading→