~ Excerpt from the Lemurian Tablets of Life and Death, The Power Source of the Alchemists “When the mazes formed, blindness was born. Man could no longer see the Embodiment of the Infinite Being.” Registration starts soon ~ www.appliedmysticism.com
Lemurian Tablets of Life and Death
“Ravenous for the black waters of life, which can only be drawn with the voice, many speak but say nothing… To speak from the shallow cup of the little self, depletes our supply. To communicate from the well-spring of existence feeds immortality…” An excerpt from our June online course, Lemurian Tablets of Life and Death… Continue reading→
Healing of Chronic and Systemic Disease
Q. I have a question about the healing of chronic disease program in Almine’s book*. It is said that each of the 3 phases (for the homeopathics) will last one and one-half months. It is also said to use 2 bottles of each remedy during a phase. But experience has proven that 2 bottles will… Continue reading→
Healing Systemic and Chronic Disease
We are proud to announce several new products for you! Use the link below to access our purchase site. An information-filled 2 hour audio lecture by Almine…this information is a vital key to wellness that is not to be missed. How to Facilitate the Healing of Chronic and Systemic Disease as MP3 download http://store.schoolofarcana.org/categories/Audio-Downloads/
Irash Satva Yoga
We are proud to announce several new products for you! Use the link below to visit the store: http://www.alminewisdom.com/products/irash-satva-yoga-abundance
Secrets of the Hidden Realms
Strange and mysterious sounds from the Earth: ‘Afxghelm’ Almine was asked by Ephrimvael what has produced this mysterious sound from deep in the Earth’s ocean. http://bit.ly/mrM6 (you can hear a sample*) “ It is the creature known as Afxghelm, whom I wrote about and encountered in 2006. The last time Afxghelm’s presence was still to… Continue reading→
Qi Vesta
Q. I practiced Qi Vesta for 60 days to become a practitioner. Personally, I need to do it for another very important situation. For how long do I have to do it this time, and in the future? A. Once only, should be required – however, if it’s a very old, long-standing problem with many… Continue reading→
High Alchemy
Q. I have practiced and completed the Qi Vesta for the required time and wish to teach others. Which parts do I teach and what may I reprint from your work? A. The sacred practice of Qi Vesta is a form of High Alchemy, meaning that the practitioner is part of the alchemical equation and… Continue reading→
Abundance in Action
Following a class in Amsterdam, a student sent this information regarding European finances and recent developments. Thank you to Marc from Belgium for sharing this with us. “First, I would like to point at what I see as a very immediate and tangible result of the work we did during the class. During the week,… Continue reading→
Q. You spoke of the pain of the feminine in the Amsterdam class, of not having its circular mode of communication understood. You also spoke of the frustration of the masculine of trying to decipher the ‘confusing’ communication of the feminine. But it felt as if you were approaching this communication dilemma from a very… Continue reading→