“One who lives authentically from the heart, is self-referring for approval. To such a one, leadership as a means of persuading others is meaningless. He or she simply shines like the brightest star in the sky, and others seeing such a light, are inspired to find their own as well.” Excerpts from Symptoms of Disease… Continue reading→
“The barometer of the strength of a relationship is how well problems can jointly be solved. Rageful outbursts come from those who believe they have no other way to be heard.” Excerpts from Symptoms of Disease – the Language of the Spirit, Almine
Teaching Children
“To live asleep, is to think that life is duty. To awaken is to find that life is beauty. Many parents drive their children into acquiring skill sets and achievements, forgetting to teach them how to be happy.” Excerpts from Symptoms of Disease – the Language of the Spirit, Almine
Sanctuary of Nature
“Many do not seek out the healing pristineness of nature, fearing they may be bored. But it is not boredom they fear but silence. It is in the silences of our lives where we encounter ourselves.” Excerpt from Symptoms of Disease – the Language of the Spirit, Almine
Abundant Life
By popular demand, the profound words of wisdom that have changed the lives of more than 15,000 daily Twitter followers, communicating in multiple languages, have been compiled into book form. Three hundred aphorisms and mandalas from the Seer Almine will delight and inspire her growing global audience. http://www.spiritualjourneys.com/displayProd.php?pkey=152
If you teach your child that his world around him can be supportive and healing, you are raising a self-reliant child. Children from 6 years old to adulthood will benefit from the following books you can read to the younger children. The Vision by Tom Brown Grandfather by Tom Brown These books teach about the… Continue reading→
Children and Inner Guidance
“Teach them correct principles and as far as possible, let your children govern themselves.” Excerpts from Symptoms of Disease – the Language of the Spirit, Almine
Behind Appearances
“There is no enslavement so complete as that created by social conditioning. The ‘wisdom’ of the parents cannot apply to the ground-breaking newness of the moment in a cosmos where nothing is as it seems. It but serves to bind the next generation’s wings, preventing them from rising above the mediocrity of yesterday.” Excerpts from… Continue reading→
Cosmic Living
“Disease and injury can come in an instant – so can healing. The body is a fluid vehicle of a being as vast as the cosmos, having a human experience…” Excerpt from Symptoms of Disease – the Language of the Spirit, Almine
Shrihat Satva Yoga
We are happy to announce that Shrihat Satva Yoga and the Abundant Life are available for purchase at: http://store.schoolofarcana.org