Q. Why do you seem to be interacting less with the public – isn’t that contrary to what you teach; that we should be masters among the masses? A. A time of withdrawal may be the only way to make major changes in consciousness when one comes to a major thresh-hold. I am changing the… Continue reading→
The Stress of Public Workshops – a Reply
Question: I attended a class with Almine last year. I have read all of her books and listened to many radio shows; resonating with Almine’s wisdom. I found the people friendly and welcoming but felt disappointed that Almine didn’t seem ‘present’ in class, didn’t connect personally with each of us and spent very little time with us over the 3 days of class. Can you please exlain? Continue reading→
Almine and Class Experiences
Q. I feel at times that I am not ready for your classes as I only understand portions of the deeply esoteric information that you bring in. Am I ready to participate in a class? Almine answers: The answer to what is gained by participants in a class that they do not fully understand, is… Continue reading→
The Truth About 2012
Higher, more light-filled realities give access to exponential change that transcends obsolete prophecies and possibilities, thus circumventing a possible world war and may other catastrophes. Continue reading→
Tough Love
People call a kaleidoscope of shades of dysfunction, ‘love.’ Continue reading→
Symbols and Sigils
I’d heard you say on the radio that the way sigils and symbols are received has changed. Continue reading→
Astrology of Isis
I’d like to do the Isis astrology, but it just seems so complicated and I don’t understand what the 144 Self-wheels have to do with it. Continue reading→
The Sage
I tried to get onto your on-line course and I couldn’t manage. It must mean I am not meant to take it, don’t you agree? Continue reading→
Questions about Light Elixirs
A student wrote to us asking a question about their light elixir and use of it. Q. The student stated that they didn’t feel the colors of their light elixir were especially pretty or suited them – “not my usual colors of preference”. They asked if it was all right to change the colors by… Continue reading→
Abundant Business
Q. Why is the business that promotes your work not solvent and prosperous, if you’ve been living principles of abundance during the past years? Continue reading→