Hear the debut of the 9th Hidden Planet’s Sound Elixir from the planet Bru-aret, titled Revelry. Listen to BBS Station 1 tonight at 7 PM PST on Windows Into Eternity with Almine and her Lightworker family. Use this link: http://www.bbsradio.com/bbs_talk_radio_station1.php Q. What is the primary significance of the hidden planets studied in Interstellar Mysticism? A…. Continue reading→
Interstellar Mysticism ~
Words of the Heart from Vaa-usta The Wisdom of Peace Let us release the responsibilities of the dream, that we may relax into memoryless spontaneity. Excerpt from Interstellar Mysticism, month III ~ Artwork by Jaylene, age 11
Abundance ~ Irash Satva Yoga
Q: In response from an email from the master Dee Washimoto, regarding the relationship of the human spine and the floor layout of Solomon’s Temple, Almine responded as follows. A: Solomon’s Temple was mapped out according to the magical centers (144) of the human body – gateways, that when the higher life is birthed, will… Continue reading→
ALMINE in California
ALMINE at Conscious Life Expo February 12-14, 2010 LAX Hilton in Los Angeles, California Almine will be speaking on Immortality and Incorruptibility 5-6 pm on Saturday Booth 106 Join us there!
Abundance in Florida
ALMINE IN TAMPA, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 25 – 28 Almine reveals the many laws governing the flow of abundance into our lives. This information-packed weekend will provide the mystical & alchemical tools to help flourish during times of financial transition… Learn about the Gates of Abundance in the human body and how to clear them of… Continue reading→
Interstellar Mysticism
Words of the Heart from Vaa-usta The Wisdom of Peace In the clarity of an illusionless life, let us celebrate beingness. Excerpt from Interstellar Mysticism, month III ~ Artwork by Jaylene, age 11
Interstellar Mysticism Awaits You
Interstellar Mysticism Last minute registration gate is still open!! http://www.alminewisdom.com/products/interstellar-mysticism
Belvaspata ~ Healing of the Angels
Music of the Angels Almine sings the names of the Angels of Divine Compassion and the Blessings from the Infinite. “…To delight the ear and the heart with a peaceful soundscape of listening pleasure.” “The harmonious heart of this angelic elixir creates the perfect sacred space for any Belvaspata session.” http://www.alminewisdom.com/products/healing-of-the-angels This MP3 audio is… Continue reading→
Interstellar Mysticism
Words of the Heart from Vaa-usta The Wisdom of Peace Filling our hearts with reverence and awe at the beauty of life, helps us discover our own flawlessness. Excerpt from Interstellar Mysticism, month III ~ Artwork by Jaylene, age 11
Interstellar Mysticism
Words of the Heart from Vaa-usta The Wisdom of Peace The illusional game of relationship becomes enjoyable when we cut the ties of expectation. Excerpt from Interstellar Mysticism, month III ~ Artwork by Jaylene, age 11