In this audio Almine explains the changes that are taking place after the ushering in of the new cosmic template and the subsequent evolved cosmic template.
Almine goes into two specific subjects: People starting to show you their true colors and intentions and the seeming mistakes the Infinite makes. The talk culminates into a perspective of who will be able to wield the new power tools with success and who will not. A very interesting talk!
PLEASE NOTE: The audio quality of this recording is not what you are accustomed to by Almine and Spiritual Journeys. However, we thought the contend was of such importance to still share it with you despite this.
I think I understood most of this after a couple of repeated listens; however, I have a remaining point of confusion. Does the Infinite in using the mirrors to understand deceit actually use deceitful practices to flesh it out–or is it innocent because the use of mirrors has the effect of distortion thus creating incomplete pieces of the tools and/or mistakes? (I realize even the whole idea of mistake is a misnomer–as it is all unfolding in perfection; but I was trying to understand what was shared in this clip). Thanks so much!
Even the body as a tool Walks in and out of this
No mistakes can be
Just perfect stillness
All happening in it
Just take a look nothing more
Nothing can have a hold on you
When it dus have a hold on you
Observe space Will come
Beautiful from Mooji
Not complex
Just emptiness enjoying
Where you are
Thank you Avril for that response – I deeply agree with you … it is found in many contexts of our language where the words chosen are inept to describe the contribution being offered by the service… There is a television show “The Biggest Loser” focused on assisting people to lose large amounts of weight .. I tuned in to it – never watched it before – and they were discussing how to address childhood obesity and using the term “weapon” … It is so refreshing to be a part of the Ascension community and Almine community for the verbage we hold carries the feminine tone … ‘tools to gain perception’ I wish to provide others … I’m glad you “fussed” over the topic * PLGT xx
And I agree Patricia “testing the waters”, being in a Buddhist surrounding personally it brought forth for me the reminder to not “grasp”; that everything is impermanent … and here we have it strongly demonstrated for us to reflect how easily the mind can attach … and ‘hold’ on to that which is the ‘next best thing’ … for in all of that which Almine receives and shares with us we are reminded and reminded again to be with what is present now. In this moment of our experience, our perception, and live from that space of wonder to what is unfolding …. deeply poetical is each new insight… PLGT xxx
Thank you Almine for continually sparking the starbursts of infinite expression in us… xxxx
wow. I’m going to have to listen to this a few times.
I don’t see the Infinite as making mistakes, I see it as testing the waters to see what we’ll do with tools before it gives us the “upgraded” versions.. Very smart if you ask me! 😀
Anyway to download this?. I tried all the right-click stuff etc, doesn’t seem to work. just wondering 🙂
Thank you Almine for clarifying the issues about the 2 new cosmic templates. Listening to the audio has given me some courage to address the subject of using the words ‘power tools’, especially when they are ‘wielded’. I feel the word ‘power’ in this context could be misleading.
From this perspective, the term ‘power tools’ makes me think of pneumatic drills, electric saws and drills sort of thing. These are tools that rely on an external power source to apply stronger pressure in order to break up material, bore a hole, saw wood quicker etc. It is just my bent to view it that way, a word association that doesn’t resonate with me.
The tools mentioned; Belvaspata, Qi Vesta, Arasatma breathing and the yogas, to me, would be more aptly named ‘self tools’ or ‘perception tools’, to gain resources and energy for self discovery, to tap into how the Infinite expresses in a spontaneous way.
So I’ll probably make myself unpopular by saying this, and that’s just the way it is. I feel the words ‘power tools’ belongs with the first cosmic template.
The template of Infinite Expression reminds me a little of the 300 wheel of the Atlantean Book of Angels Course, Birthing Existence Beyond Mirrored Space, a wheel with no containing boundary. If I were more computer literate I’d post an image of it.
Am I making a fuss over nothing? Probably….I just felt prompted to post this, that’s all really.
Thank You so much for the explanations, Almine!
They clarify many of my questions while providing more illumination about the
Infinite’s wisdom in the way and timely manner which things are done.
Deepest gratitude for the TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF WORK THAT YOU DO!