This Power Sigil is a free gift, from wonderful Sergey S., for all of our Lightfamily.
The words mean:
“The land of Ukraine bears a promise and a warning, that anyone who covets and attacks this land shall find there their undoing. The faith of the Holy Ones who dwell here, (the gods among men) shall not go unanswered; they shall not stand abashed. And although they stand in the midst of hostility and confusion, they shall not be harmed.“
The large letters mean:
In a shield of luminescent white light is this land clothed. Through faith, it shall stand in prosperity.
The Angelgods of Ukraine:
Peleshtur (Angelgod of acknowledged abundance)
Ruratek (Angelgod of Replacing fear with trust)
Beleshtur (Angelgod of peaceful resolutions)
Harestat (Angelgod of dissolving unholy alliances)
Melenechvi (Angelgod of national self-esteem)
The Original Ones should do the light explosion protocol around Ukraine daily.
The Lightfamily of Ukraine has requested that the Original Ones send intentions of peace and harmony to the situation between Russia and Ukraine.
The Seer has created a power stack to address the core issue.
“How to Release Yourself from All Previously Binding Spiritual Contracts”
“Let all unholy alliances be undone, from me towards others, from others towards me, or in any other form; by Cheverech Huvasvi Aranas Hustavi.”
Create a power stack with your power sigil for Ukraine, as follows:
On the bottom is the power sigil for Ukraine.
On top of the power sigil for Ukraine, place the Sigil To Release All Beings from Previously Binding Contracts.
On top of that, place the map of Ukraine.
On top of that, place the map of Russia and China.
On top of that, place the full set of Kaanish Belvaspata sigils (all 5 levels – sigils only).
On the very top, place The Principles of Peace.
Say the words: “ Cheverech Huvasvi Aranas Hustavi” while placing your right hand on the stack. Leave the stack in place and repeat the words with your hand on the stack, a few times during the day.
Click here to download the PDF
Click here to download the PNG
Click here for the Sigil to Release All Beings from Previously Binding Contracts
Click here for the Principles of Peace PDF
Already… We have a war here. Please, everyone, who reads this comment pray to the Infinite so that this madness ends as soon as possible. Love and light =*
I wish I were braver and had more faith…
I hear you Tatiana. Hoping to ask Almine why this is happening, regardless of what she is doing to help. However she did say if Russia did this, it would be Russia’s UNDOING. Again Would LOVE to ask Rogier to ask Almine why in the world is this going ahead.
I have a feeling the Infinite is going to step in here at some point soon. I know that may sound strange. But I truly believe it is the Infinite who will have the last word in eliminating people like Pew tin.
Thanks for your reply 🙂
Absolutely Tatiana. At this point I know justice and order are on there way. One way or another we will get out of this lower reality.
HUGS!! 🙂
You stay strong as well. I know that’s it’s not easy in Canada either these days. 🤗
Much Love and Gratitude to you dear Sergey for this,. May all of our intentions of amplified Peace and Harmony to the situation between Russia and Ukraine flow with great Ease and Grace.
This is wonderful and powerful! Thank you Sergey and Almine! Infinite love and gratitude!
Wow… amazing. Deeply appreciated, thank you Sergey for this powerful gift.
LPGTH We live in such a abundance having Seer Almine and a large beautiful light family around the world. I feel deeply abundance. Thank you
WOW!! This is amazing!! Good job everyone. Deepest gratitude to Almine for creating these powerful sigils and combined alchemy!
Yes, you are correct Anna, no mention of where to place the PECE SIGILS. Please advise us Tina. Thank you!
Thanks for adding that on Tina. You are the best!
💜🌺💜🌻💜🌞Thank you for this!🌞💜🌻💜🌺💜
The post doesn’t say how to use the Principles of Peace for the stack(or did I miss it?)
Here are suggestions ~
We can send the wheels of the Principles of Peace to all three countries: China, Russia and Ukraine, I suppose we can also embody the principles of peace in proxy for these countries by running them through our own body with that intent, (through the feet and out the crown, activating the principles within ourself).
Perhaps before or after doing the light explosions.
We use the principles of peace sigils ONLY Anna 🙂
Dear Anna, thank you for pointing this out. The Principles of Peace go on the very top of the stack. I’ll update this on the post. Much love, Tina
Thank you dearest Tina!
What a relief for Ukraine this powerful sigil
Thank you for it Serge and Almine.
Will the new earth there begin in the physical is my Question?
Russian State Duma has adopted a draft resolution appealing to Putin to recognize the Donetsk and Lugansk regions in eastern Ukraine as independent states.
This is so profound….. The blessings from the Infinite to our light family,.. so incredibly greatful
This has brought tears.
I am so greatful to you Sergey for asking for this Sigel of Power
Many shall be released from this strangle hold
Deep gratitude to you and Almine
I remember this was supposed to be avoided (war) Hopefully this stops it.