Today we share a little Q&A with Almine about her newest fragrance alchemy creations: the God blend and Goddess blend.
Q: I have a question about the blend of the gods formulation. It says in some of the oil descriptions that they would assist in hormone functioning. Almine has recently said that we (light workers) need to activate our god hormones. Is this a function of these oils or is it something to be developed later?
A: There are three steps in the useful production of the god hormone that enables a life far beyond the human paradigm:
1) The production of the god hormone.
2) The removal of inhibitors that make it inaccessible.
3) The awakening of the ability of the nervous system to interpret its messages.
There are two places where the oils are an invaluable tool:
1) An electrical impulse observed in caterpillars turning into butterflies, scientists call a wave of determination, precedes the production of the hormone of metamorphosis in a similar way in god-beings (and humans wanting to enter the god-kingdom). This precedes the full production of the hormone and is stimulated in part by the oils.
2) The oils assist in activating the dormant abilities of the nervous system to interpret a far broader range of information. The ratio of what the nervous system is able to translate, to what it has been translating, is 24:4. It has become like a muscle that has atrophied from lack of use.
Q: So I ordered my Goddess blend. Should I also order The blend of the gods as well?
A: Although not essential, it would be beneficial to apply a few drops of the Blend of the Gods to the top of the head, and the Goddess Blend anywhere else on the body. The sacrum is a particularly beneficial spot for the Goddess Blend.
The following are Almine’s answers to your question:
Q: Are there other ways of activating the God hormone, other than the
A: Firstly this will be a very detailed part of the May online course,
since the information is given by the Lemurian Angels. They have kept this
information within thier being for eons of time until we were ready to
receive it. The primary parts of accessing the God hormone is to turn the
negative emotions of pain, anger, fear, guilt and hopelessness into useful
tools. We do this through the perspective of appreciation.
1. The Perspective of Inspiration (replaces anger)
2. The Poetic Perspective (replaces pain)
3. The Eternal Perspective (replaces fear)
4. The Adventurous (replaces guilt)
5. The Perspective of the God-kingdom (replaces hopelessness)
Team Almine
This will make a separate post on Tuesday April 23rd, 2013.
Team Almine
Regarding the second question and answer: Is the suggested use in the answer for a person in feminine form? Would the suggested use be the opposite for those in masculine form?
I love your idea Lin…that is wonderful Almine is already doing it, she is always at pulse of what our hearts call forward…
Niels I also feel the same way that these god hormones will come to fruition if one lives fully expressing and in alignment with the OneLife…however the oils are amazing instruments for us to play with…I have used two of the oils, and love how they support the personal process of our remembering all that we are. The oils are so rich in fragrance I adore wearing them daily, they just add such sensual awakening and makes one feel divine in its full meaning. Thank you to the Divine Alchemist Almine. π <3
Given the cost and limitations on availability of these oils, are there other methods of activating the “god hormones” without having to use the oils?
Also, will you be offering smaller, less costly sizes of the oil blends or possibly sample sizes for those of us on a tighter budget?
For example. you could offer a sample set for around $70, which would consist of three, 5ml bottles of each of the blends (the Goddess Blend, Henna Flower, and the Blend of the Gods). This option would enable you to make a little extra per mL, supply more people in less time (if oil quantities are limited), and encourage future sales of the larger quantity bottles of each customer’s favorite oil. This would also reduce customer apprehension of paying a high price for something they haven’t had the chance to experience and give them the opportunity to decide which oil(s) provide the highest benefit for their investment. …just a thought from a marketing perspective. You could put my order in for that sample set! π
Love the synchronicity here, Lin. In fact, a sample set is on its way and is very nearly done and available. I will ask Almine if there indeed are other ways to activate this god hormone. I personally think there absolutely is and that these fragrances are handy tools to help out, but that ultimately it is a case of remembering your true being and stepping into that…
Team Almine
Also LIn,
I have found that taking Apple Cider Vinegar (Omega brand) has helped turn on rejuvenating hormones in the body. I can see this by my hair turning brown. I used to have lots of grey hair. Now it’s gone. Also, I found that doing a detox (see Handbook for Healers book) helped this hormonal flow. The Apple Cider Vinegar stimulates the pituitary to turn ON rejuvenating hormones that are usually inactive after the age of about 30. My skin is also much, much softer and more supple. π
My Goddess blend is on order too. π
Seems that the detox, removes a lot of inhibitors in the body system. Whew! Wish I had done that so much sooner!