Almine’s latest book is now available: Sacred Breaths of Arasatma (currently only in PDF download ebook form, very soon also in paperback version). I’m loosing track, how many new books does that make this year?
“The Arasatma breaths are beyond amazing…” ~ Sujata
The Arasatma Breathing Technique was used by ancient mystics to activate the unused portion of the pranic tube for fuller self-expression and inner peace. A fully cleared and active pranic tube is the gateway to a magical life. Also, these breathing techniques aid in the restoration of the subtle, etheric functions of the body and senses. This allows the practitioner to access other dimensions and prolongs an eternal life of graceful unfolding. This book doesn’t only share the first 3 levels of this powerful breathing technique but for the first time also publicly shares 3 follow-up levels to those who wish to continue their journey with this powerful transformative tool.
“You would think that after all these years Almine has nothing more to teach, nothing new to share. Nothing can be further from the truth. This book is a “monster” (in the most positive sense of the word!), it is just so packed with information. Not only on the breaths, but on abundance, sexuality, eating and on and on it goes. Almine absolutely is an inexhaustible fountain of knowledge. The pages are filled with exercises, background information, deeply metaphysical information and more. I’ve only done the first 3 levels so far, but am enjoying them greatly. Can’t wait to continue with the other levels that are shared. What a book!” ~ Niels, The Netherlands
Find out more about this book and read selected pages for free here. Or see the “Arasatma package deal” with both the online course Gateway to the Magical Life and this book all wrapped into one here.
My heart sings songs of love, praise and gratitude to Almine and all those who have been involved in the sharing of this absolutely life-changing material.
I first encountered Arasatma in Belgium in December 2012 and realised its huge potential for me. However at that time I had been struggling with breathing issues for about 2 months, without any previous medical history. This acute situation seemed to have been precipitated by the practice of trauma-release exercises that involved the psoas muscle. I had found these on the internet following great reports from the men’s retreat 2012 and had practised them intensively for about 2 weeks. These exercises are excellent and do exactly what they say on the tin! But beware, they will uncover issues. It quickly became apparent to me that my breathing was really shallow and stressed pointing to underlying fear and trauma. It seemed to me that this unspecific fear was running my life and making all my decisions for me. It was everywhere I looked. There seems to be a strong connection between the psoas muscle and breathing.
I had sought out a Buteyko breathing expert (a Russian method with quite a research base for an alternative approach) to show me how to reduce my breathing and this was helping. I even had to tape my mouth shut especially at night to prevent over-breathing and maintain calm. He was also skillful in supporting me through the emotional turmoil. Almine’s Answers for Light Workers 2 was running at this time and grounding was the order of the day, also to great benefit.
When I first tried Arasatma, I knew instantly that it was brilliant, I was barely able to go through the sequence. I just couldn’t breathe deeply. I met concrete, physical walls upon walls within myself to stop the breath. Even at that it was deeply relaxing.
When I returned home I wanted to continue with Arasatma, but it was quite difficult for me to do it by myself. Instead I concentrated on Aranash Suba Yoga from January until August of this year doing it sometimes with Avril and Jeanne via skype and often alone. My experience of it deepened and deepened with much gentle release for which I am so grateful. This practice is so supportive, gentle and effective. At the Copenhagen retreat in August I had a really powerful effortless release of core trauma through this practice. Through the profound trauma release gently facilitated by Aranash Yoga, the walls dissolved one after another bringing calm and ease as my perspective changed.
For the last 6 weeks I’ve been practising Arasatma regularly with great enjoyment and profound effects. I started by myself and then Avril and I started skype sessions
which have been tremendous fun. During the last 3 weeks of monumental changes, we’ve worked through all 6 levels, finishing up last Thursday night. Wow!!!! I heartily recommend this practice. I also heartily recommend sharing with a fellow student(s) as a fun and supportive way to enjoy even greater benefits.
By the way, the artwork Almine developed for level 2 is amazing. This artwork (x7 for the 7 breaths) was available online as part of the course Gateway to the Magic Life or to purchase on the store. I had done level 2 quite a few times without the artwork to great effect, but merely opening the artwork on my desktop and glancing briefly at it adds serious oooooomph!
Very cool indeedy! I just completed the Level I and I feel like a million bucks! 😀
Gratitude to Almine and team. Way to go!
I JUST bought this yesterday! I feel like this is what I’ve been waiting to read for eons.
Hurrah! I absolutely agree with you Niels, the Arasatma is a powerful tool which also has a practical effect on the body.
We did levels 4-6 this week and it is truely amazing, yet I feel I have just scratched the surface of the potential within.