Wow! Have we been getting strong feedback on the digesting density and sacred sexuality exercises we have shared on this diary. However, we have also gotten a lot of questions to clarify specifics about the process. So, as an aftermath of the all-men’s retreat, we have written down all insights and details of this process.
Please listen to Almine explain in-depth about what sacred sexuality actually means here.
Also, you can listen to her speak about this practice in this radio show here, just to give you a bit more of a context.
What follows is the complete sacred sexual magic process. At the bottom of the page you will also find the link for a direct download of this information. Enjoy!
Step 1 – Digesting Density
- Breathe deeply and relax for 10 minutes
- Breathe out all tension spots in the body, make sure your body is really relaxed
- See the image that is a manifestation of your perfection, see it as if by magic this reality would now be
- Imagine a cylinder, parallel to your shoulders, like a washing machine and churn anti-clockwise, forward to backward, like it is grinding in your stomach and even the deeper, etherical soul levels behind the stomach
- Intend and pull in all the density from the body into the stomach. Intend that all old programs are pulled into the stomach so they can be digested
- Churn until the churned density is white and clear
- See from time to time how your image keeps developing
Step 2 – Get the bottom circle of Soul going
- Legs are uncrossed
- Get the bottom circle of Soul going:
- Start at the chakra a hand lenght below the foot and start pulling resources from there, then further flow these resources to – left ankle – left knee – left ovary section – root – 2nd chakra (= 2 inches below belly button) – right ovary area – down through the right leg – through the right knee – right ankle – bottom of right foot – hand-length into earth where other chakra lies
- See a spark of light go from right earth foot chakra to left earth foot chakra. Continue doing this
- Initially you see it going through all the different chakra’s but later on you see it as a large oval each time sparking in the ground from underneath the right leg to the left leg
- If you want, you can breathe in while pulling the energy up and breathe out while pushing the energy down into the right leg
- Continue until you get this circle going beautifully
- The circle never goes above 2 inches (= 5 cm) below the belly button
Step 3 – Get the upper circle of Body going
- Before starting this circle, the position of the hands is not that important, they can be resting everywhere
- Now bring your hands, palms facing upwards, to the height of just underneath your rib cage, on both sides of your torso, above the 4 inch belt of spirit (in the figure Sacred Sexuality this is not shown clearly: the hands should be above the 4 inch belt of Spirit)
- When the bottom circle starts at the left foot, see the left palm pulling energy inwards and upwards: left palm – directly in straight line to 3rd chakra – heart chakra – left shoulder – throat – 3rd eye – crown – left side of lahun chakra – out right hand side – crown – 3rd eye – throat – right shoulder blade – heart – 3rd chakra – right palm – until it arcs, sparks into the left palm
- Match the speed and rotation of the lower, soul, circle: both circles go up at the same time and go down at the same time
- Have the 2 circles rotate in unison for about 5 minutes
- You can use your breath: breathe in while going upwards, blow out while going downwards of the circles
- The circle never goes lower than 2 inches above the belly bottom (so you could consider the 4 inch Spirit belt round the belly button as a neutral zone, where no circle is invading)
Step 4 – Bringing the 2 circles together
- Slow the top body circle down a bit, it is now getting out of step with the lower one: when the lower one is at its top it meets the upper circle when it sparks from right to left (when the upper goes down to its lowest level, the arc between the 2 hands, then the bottom circle is at it’s highest point)
- At that time both circles bulge towards the center (the 4 inch zone) where they almost meet at the belly button
- Take a quick look at the image of your manifestation
- When both circles meet at that belly button zone there is an exploding energy
- Force your breath out at that moment and send that energy through the belly button into your image
- As of then, you can either feed the image with your breath and energy every time the circles meet in that way, or you can wait for both circles to build momentum and then send out the breath + energy when you feel the time is right
- You might start to feel a trembling of your cells in your body
- If you were to do this exercise while making love with someone or having intercourse, you first have to digest the density in your partner before you can aim the sexual magic, energy into the image of your desire and try to time it with ejaculation (the sexual magic exercise does not require another partner per sé). The digestion of the other partner’s density is because otherwise the sexual magic energy will not go into the image, but into the density of the other person
Step 5 – Final Clean up and de-activating the influence of Spirit
- When you have finished, further pull in all the residual density that is in your field and digest it into the stomach
- Envision the assemblage point (masculine qualities) at the outer end of your fields, it is tied to you life force center, the ball of light behind your belly button (size of a dinner plate). There is an umbilical cord between the two
- Allow the life force center to be filled with the song of silence and deep beingness, this makes the LFC feminine. Feel the peace in your belly
- Envision the assemblage point travel down the tube until it reaches this ball of light behind the belly button
- When it enters the belly button it will explode, filling the fields around your body. Draw in your breath and with the out breath see it explode
- Pull in all the density of your fields into your stomach, any fragments of your life force center and fragments of your assemblage points. Now you are rid of 2 of the points that spirit used to pull your strings
Final Note
The Zhong-Galabruk wheels do not apply to this exercise
Download the complete written Sacred Sexual Magic Process
I Love Your System, You are Brilliant, Much Peace and Love and Power to you all, may grace and love be upon all your endeavors.
could u pl help me to get my exlove back with use o f sigils
Dear Sumi,
Actually, Almine doesn’t have any kind of these sigils. It is also not her way of teaching others. If I may be so bold to interpret her teachings, I would say that she works more to help you discover the beauty and love within yourself, instead of outside of yourself. No quick fix or magic spell to get someone to do something. If you are in love with life itself and this love is so exuberant that it floods your whole being, others can be inspired by it… perhaps even your ex.
This is my two cents worth, Sumi.
Perhaps you can find some wisdom or inspiration in the words above.
Team Almine
What is the symbol next to Step 3 – Get the upper circle of Body going – is it Chinese? What does it mean?
Hello Tamara, and welcome to the diary of Almine. My apologies for not getting back to you sooner. I overlooked your comment. I hope you will return here and find things of worth for your own life.
A good question you asked. If you hover over the picture, you will see it says “Sigil of Sacred Sexuality”. Sigils are symbols that are portals of power. If you search this blog you will find quite a few of them, to be used as you wish. They are written in different languages which Almine is able to speak and write.
Many people have reported unusual experiences with these sigils, so they are certainly potent and something to take your time with to experience. There is a lot to say about sigils. I’d advise to start with a search query for “sigils” on this diary, to get in to it and to see more examples.
I hope this answers some of your questions. Drop a line if you have more questions and comments and enjoy your stay here on the diary.
Team Almine
The diagram is so useful and helpful.De-activating the influence of spirit and cutting these strings.I see that the Zhong-Galabruk wheel does not apply to the belly button exercise. Working on this one and sharing the experience.
This is exactly what I need! Thank you for the diagram. It helps.
Is this really confusing or is it just me?
Hey there Alex. If you practice it, you will get the hang of it. You don’t have to mentally keep on doing the exercise on the level of the individual chakra’s once you get the spinning going. You can just set your intention to let the process go on by itself and check in every now and then with your awareness, meanwhile focus on the crossing spark in the middle.
Hope this helps.